Welcome New Neighbors

Linda Harvey and Linda Shannon-Hills

You have just moved into SaddleBrooke Ranch. Getting to know other new neighbors is a good way to get incorporated into this friendly and fast-growing community. Due to the quarantine of facilities, we have been contacting new residents with electronic copies of our Settler’s Guide and other important files to help them get settled.

If you are new to SaddleBrooke Ranch and have not received a Settler’s Guide, contact Linda at linda@shannonhills.net.

Newcomers in late April include:

Unit 1: Scott and Ellon Jarvis on Arroyo Vista Dr.

Unit 4A: Alfred and Tina Kohl on Hornbill Pl.

Unit 7: Steven and Lisa Carlson on Bayberry Ct.

Unit 8: Randy and Linda Wright on Tamarisk Pl.

Unit 9: Russell and Carol Sacks on Heron Dr.

Unit 9: William and Freda Shuman on Heron Dr.

Unit 9: Roger and Marsha Lindeken on Turquoise Ln.

Unit 14B: Cassandra Olson on Basalt Dr.

Unit 14B: Stephen and Ilene Skinner on Flint Dr.