What’s This? A New Name and a Logo Too?

Melanie Einbund

Introducing our new name: Congregation B’nai Midbar at SaddleBrooke (transliterated: B’nay Meedbar, meaning ‘The People of the Desert’). Wow! What a ride it has been! You think that changing a name would be easy. Well, it wasn’t. But thanks to manywe did it! We are proud to announce that we are now known as: Congregation B’nai Midbar at SaddleBrooke. We have a logo, too! These major accomplishments were achieved by Seth Eisner (name change) and Bonnie Lasky (logo).

Our name, B’nai Midbar reflects the character of our community, our nature, diversity, and determination. We live in the desert, as did our ancestors, and we have wandered here from all over the world. We continue with new and active lives coupled with our faith, self-reliance, and determination to build the best community possible. Our logo says who we are and where we are.

A Very Special Shabbat

Our April 19 services were led by Rabbi Seltzer, assisted by Cantor Eliyanah Powers and accompanist Dr. Joshua Nichols. It was a poignant Shabbat as Rabbi Seltzer retired at the end of this service. The combination of our incredible and talented clergy was awe inspiring as we wished Rabbi Seltzer a joyful retirement.

In recognition of Rabbi Seltzer, the April services were preceded with a cocktail party to celebrate and honor his time with our congregation. The Oneg was sponsored by Rabbi Seltzer’s wife, Rita Polack. If you wish to sponsor an Oneg for a special event, remembrance, or celebration contact Judi Friedman at [email protected].

What to Do?

A Congregation without a Rabbi is a predicament. Ron Solomon stepped up and led the Rabbinic search. Our new Rabbi is Daniel (Danny) Price. We welcome Rabbi Danny (as he likes to be called) to our pulpit. Rabbi Danny has a B.A. in music/communications, a MJEd Master of Jewish Education, and received his Rabbinic Ordination. He has over 20 years of experience as a Rabbi, Educator, and Song Leader. Please note your calendars for meeting Rabbi Danny on Aug. 25 at an informal gathering.

B’nai Midbar is a small and welcoming congregation. If you have questions or wish to join our congregation, please feel free to contact Esta Goldstein at 520825-1181 for information.

We wish safe travels for our snowbirds and for those staying in Tucson, a pleasant, and nottoo-hot summer!