The Rancheros Square Dancing Club entertained the SBRWOW ladies on June 15.
Deb McGiboney
Deb McGiboney and Susie Morrill invite fellow women wine lovers to our next gathering of SaddleBrooke Ranch Women of Wine (SBRWOW). This is a non-dues club. There is a $1 cash only admission fee that the Ranch House Grill charges for the Sol Ballroom setup.
We meet the third Thursday of each month, from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Ranch House Grill Sol Ballroom.
Thank you to the SBR Rancheros Square Dancing Club, which we hosted on June 15, for their wonderful dance routine and inviting some of our WOW ladies on stage to experience some super square-dancing moves!
The purpose of SBRWOW is to share good wine and enjoyable conversation, to meet other women wine lovers, to enjoy the clubs we host within the Creative Arts Center as well as WOW entrepreneurs, and to have fun sharing our common interest in wine.
At our next event on Thursday, Aug. 17, we will host our very own WOW, Beverly Hinton, and her beautiful glass art, which will be for sale. There will be a portable bar set up for you to order your wines/appetizers. If you have a different beverage of choice, please order at the indoor bar, and join us!
Please wear your nametags, invite your friends and we look forward to seeing you!
Follow us on SBR Women Of Wine on GroupWorks. If you’re not a member of GroupWorks, you can sign up for free at www.groupworks.com. Contact Deb McGiboney with questions at [email protected].