Left to right: Barry Milner, Mark Prose, John Gordon, Dan Carter, Dale Lythjohan, Russ Hardy, Sam Rossi, Jeff Hansen, and Tony Manza. Not pictured: Jim Lindley and Ken De Leo.
Bren Hirschberg
Saddlebrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) has a summer reading program for the communities north of us in Pinal County. Each year, new first–graders are given several age-appropriate books to read during the summer, from first through sixth grade. They also give each student a bookcase to keep all the books they receive. A group in the SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) Woodworkers Club volunteers to build the number needed each year. This year 11 members volunteered 77 hours to build the bookcases for the school district, which has 33 new first–graders! We built and will soon deliver those 33 bookcases to be presented to the kids. This is just one of the many great programs SBCO does to support surrounding communities, and another way the SBR Woodworkers Club supports worthy volunteer projects.