Welcome to Line Dance lessons with Rebecca – sign up now

Level 1 fall classes with Rebecca contained several new dances, and lots of fun was had by all.

Level 1 fall classes with Rebecca contained several new dances, and lots of fun was had by all.

Level 2 line dancers had a great time; the winter season will see a nearly full room of happy faces.

Level 2 line dancers had a great time; the winter season will see a nearly full room of happy faces.

Dr. Mark Magdanz

Sign up now for the winter lessons. Classes will start at the Ranch Wednesday, January 18. The 2017 winter class series will run 10 weeks. Two skill levels are taught year round on Wednesday afternoons in the Hacienda aerobics room, so Rebecca’s line dance classes provide SaddleBrooke Ranch residents with dancing for the novice through to the mid-level line dancer.

Learning to line dance is easy and fun. Line dancing is very much like a child playing with blocks. You learn some steps (a block), then another. Put two to four blocks of steps together and you have a dance. Learn different blocks and you have a different dance. With practice and repetition, voila you could build the Great Wall of China. With a fairly small number of three to four step blocks, choreographers have published over 85,000 different dances. Don’t worry, we don’t aspire to all those dances or a big wall. Basically in line dance you step forward, backward, sideways, across or behind, kick your foot, touch the toe or heel, etc. Easy stuff! Once you’ve learned basic steps you can learn different and more complex dances faster. A couple of years back AARP reported that 94% of surveyed seniors rated staying mentally astute as a top priority. “Secrets of Staying Sharp” stressed that four factors affecting brain health are mental, physical and social activity plus vascular health. All four are supported with regular line dancing. Add a bit of laughter, proven to strengthen the immune system, and you have a happy healthy experience on the dance floor.

Rebecca’s classes give you fundamentals of dance so you will enjoy years of line dancing. Line dance has been an ongoing activity in SaddleBrooke for 25 years, and its popularity is No. 3 in all senior activities worldwide. It’s easy going aerobic exercise, creates new friendships, improves your balance and coordination.

All classes for January 2017 are taking new students. If you are doing something else on Wednesday afternoons, classes may also be attended in SaddleBrooke depending on reserved space. Walk-ins are not allowed for any class as space must be allotted for safety as well as fun. To place your name on one of the reservation lists for the winter contact Rebecca Magdanz at [email protected] or phone 818-2656 for more information. Rebecca is a 12-year, full-time SaddleBrooke resident and teaches classes about 42 weeks of the year in SaddleBrooke Ranch and over the hill in SaddleBrooke.