Chart by Rosemary Douglas
Rosemary Douglas
The Tri-Community Food Bank (TCFB) has more than 500 families, with 1,500 individuals registered and eligible to receive twice-a-month food boxes. These families are our neighbors in Mammoth, San Manuel, Oracle, and Dudleyville.
In 2023, the generosity of SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch residents, especially during the annual SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) Food Drive, enabled the TCFB to alleviate hunger for an increasing number of our neighbors in need.
In addition to twice monthly food boxes, last year the TCFB also distributed 278 blankets, 232 Thanksgiving meals, 211 Christmas meals, Christmas gifts for 43 families, and many hygiene products and other extras to our member families. We purchased more than $145K worth of food in 2023. This was to supplement our Food Drive and United Food Bank donations, so we could provide the makings for complete, nutritious meals for our families.
How Can I/We Help?
Our mailing address for monetary donations is Tri-Community Food Bank, P.O. Box 38, Mammoth, AZ 85618. Food and hygiene donations can be brought to the TCFB in Mammoth during our operating hours listed below, or put into the TCFB donation box located in Bashas in Catalina.
The Tri-Community Food Bank is an all-volunteer organization. The TCFB is located at 108 Redwood Rd., in Mammoth. We are open five days a week (Monday through Thursday and Saturday) from 9 a.m. to noon to serve the communities of Oracle, San Manuel, Mammoth, and Dudleyville.
The Tri-Community Food Bank is an IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation and an Arizona Qualifying Charitable Organization. We spend 0% on administration costs and are totally supported by your generous donations. The TCFB also receives food donations from the United Food Bank in Mesa, Ariz.