2024 SBRWGA Board of Directors and Committee Chairs

Left to right: Pam Horwitt, Nanci Messner, Jennifer Valverde, Kathi Dyer, Maggie Merrick, Barb Simms, Jackie Elphic, Susan Ness, and Deb Lawson. (Not pictured: Cathy Steel)

Lorraine Smith

The 18-hole ladies golf league, SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA), elected their leadership team for the 2024 year. Congratulations to the following 18-hole golfers:

President, Pam Horwitt

Vice President, Nanci Messner

Secretary, Jennifer Valverde

Treasurer, Kathi Dyer

League Day, Cathy Steel

Social, Maggie Merrick

Membership, Susan Ness

Web Manager, Barb Simms

Sponsorship, Jackie Elphic

Rules/Handicap, Deb Lawson

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