Red Team

Blue Team
On July 18, 56 golfers from the ladies and men’s leagues teed it up for some team competition. The format was a Ryder Cup match-play format with a Blue team and a Red team competing for honors (and prizes!). The teams had an equal number of men and women, and each twosome was one man and one woman.
Red team captains were Eric Taylor and Monika Bartko and the Blue Team captains were Phil Bartko and Diane Taylor.
The Blue team took the match (8 points to 6 points). The winning team included Steve Schneck, William Oprish, Carol Mihal, James, Mulhall, Mary Snowden, Joe Valancius, Monika Bartko, Franc Happ, Charlotte Graham, Guy Shelton, Karen Oprish, Rick Snowden, Jeanne Osterlund, Eric Taylor, Susan Pharr, Ed Cheszek, Linda Sherfy, Don Lawson, Frank Sherfy, Deb Lawson, Maggie Merrick, John Williams, Jennifer Valverde, Joe Cimo, Sherry Leasure, Craig Leyburn, Phyllis Pettijohn, and David Landry.
The teams gathered after the tournament in the La Montana room for lunch, awards, and refreshments. This was a super lively event with a lot of camaraderie and maybe just a little competitiveness too.