Sunset acrylic
Karen Brungardt
Art and Wine Events
While many things have had to be postponed or cancelled due to coronavirus, the SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild is resuming art activities with safety protocols in place, and limiting our Art and Wine events to small groups.
SaddleBrooke Sunsets continue to be the subject for our next three Art and Wine events. The July 21 event is full, but you have two more opportunities!
July 29 and Aug. 18 are the next two upcoming dates to have fun and paint a sunset! Food, wine, art supplies, and an instructor are all part of the $35 ticket price. As mentioned, these groups will be very limited in number (so we can social distance everyone) so get your reservation in now to P.J. Cathey at 928-848-9656 or [email protected].
All Art and Wine events will be held in the Activity Center in SaddleBrooke One from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Please expect to wear a mask (when not eating or sipping your wine) and to wash your hands during the event. Of course, we will have social distancing, as well. We’ll still have lots of fun and you’ll produce a painting in spite of looking like a bank robber!
I Can’t Draw a Stick Figure
While we had to cancel our spring class, look for this popular event to return in the fall sometime. Please check back here for updates as they become available. This class, remember, is for those people who ‘can’t even draw a stick figure’, to sample different ways of doing art. You’ll take home completed pieces of art that you, yourself, will create! Stay tuned for information as it becomes available.
Art Classes
Art classes are resuming in August with limited space in the Topaz Room. Classes will be kept to eight students plus one instructor (total of nine). All available classes will be posted on our website at www.saddlebrookefinearts.org under our “classes” tab and will be posted very soon, so you can sign up and indulge in doing art this summer.