Love Technology and Love Helping People Learn? We Need You!

Linda Shannon-Hills

As the community grows, so does the need for technology assistance by our residents. The SBR Tech Club has one-on-one open lab monitors who help residents with their Mac and PC issues, offer ideas on better usage and how to set up their smartphones, answer questions about Nextdoor, Facebook, or apps on their smartphones, demonstrate how to use the digital scanner in the technology room and help determine what you would need to move to streaming TV services, and so much more.

The club also needs instructors or facilitators for workshops on software products, or to lead a Special Interest Group on various topics.

So many residents in our community know a lot about technology and it would be great to share your knowledge to help others in the community.

Join the members of the club helping our community to use their technology more efficiently and with greater enjoyment.

For more information, visit and join the club to help others.