Troy and Tina Fugleberg, Pete Watson, and Nini Frank
Linda Shannon-Hills
The federal government provided N95 masks to various pharmacies around the country. Our local Desert Life Pharmacy contacted me to see if we wanted to distribute four boxes of masks, about 1,000 free N95 masks, to our SaddleBrooke Ranch community, first come, first served. With no hesitation, I was off to the pharmacy to pick them up.
Wanting to be as safe as possible, we set the N95 masks by threes on a table in the outside entrance of La Hacienda Club on Wednesday, Feb. 9. Residents lined up early, but distribution did not start until 11 a.m. We thought it would take a couple hours, but in 10 minutes all the masks were taken! Unfortunately, many arrived after to find no masks left. All residents were courteous while they passed by the table to take their masks and a set for their spouse.
One resident, Jan Christensen, sent me an email: “Wow! They went fast and were gone by the time I got there. A kind younger-type fellow gave me a couple and said he thought I needed them more than he did. I was very touched by this gesture. Perhaps my white hair made him think so. Maybe my age, just reaching 80, has some good points! Thank you for trying to help us stay safe.”
Thanks Ranchers, for being the kind people you are. Also, a big thanks to Tina and Troy Fugleberg, Pete Watson, Nini Frank, and Suzy Clear for your assistance in this distribution effort.
Other pharmacies in the area should be receiving free N95 masks. Check with them if you didn’t receive one.