Jan Martin, Bob Washburn, Kay Lantow, Dave Kellogg, Georgine Hurst, Catherine Wierman, Rick Snowden( in back), Mary Snowden, Marilee Fairbanks, Arlene Wong and Bo Jessup.
Ted Wierman
About a year ago, SBR Tennis Association sponsored quarterly clinics with Mark Wong giving instruction. These clinics soon became monthly and now are an integral part of the weekly schedule. Dean Alfrey carried the load as the “mentor” over the winter and spring months. He enjoyed it and did a very good job of making the clinic format fun and informative. When Dean left for the summer it was felt that the weekly development days were an important part of the organization. As membership chairman for SBR Tennis, I felt that it was a very good way to grow our club while at the same time bringing value to our current members. Experienced members of SBR Tennis have been happy to assist in keeping the development days alive.
The Monday development days are currently at 7:00-8:00 a.m. They are open to members and non-members as well. With the ball machine provided by Robson, we can work a group on ground strokes (both forehand and backhand), net play (volleying) and lobs. Part of the instruction is to train individuals on the use of the ball machine so they can use it on their own as desired. After working on basic tennis shots, then we have some time to play games. As a more experienced tennis player I can say that the drills that we conduct during the sessions are valuable to both beginners and experienced tennis players.
“Monday’s ongoing development day sessions have provided a fun way to increase my tennis skills. As a result my level of play has steadily strengthened; I’m now comfortable to get out there and play regularly and I feel part of the tennis community,” is a comment from Arlene Wong who started out as a beginner and has improved her game!
Zann Wilson, who played tennis prior to moving to the Ranch, says, “Not having played tennis for many years, this development group of mostly returning players has brought back all the joys of the game with little frustration. The camaraderie and solid back-to-the-basics instruction have made this group a plus. I wouldn’t miss coming and advancing to the next level of play. Thanks to our leaders!”
Georgine Hurst had this to say, “Monday morning tennis has eased me back into the sport after not playing for a number of years. It’s great stroke practice. It has helped me gain enough confidence to play doubles again. The best part though has been meeting so many wonderful SBR people. I love it!”
If you have any interest in learning tennis or getting back into it after many years, come on down to the tennis courts on Monday morning and join the fun. We have rackets available for your use to get started. In addition to the Monday development day, there is a schedule for play for all levels of tennis experience. We have men’s doubles, women’s doubles and mixed doubles going on several times each week. With more courts on the horizon, we are excited to continue the growth of tennis at the Ranch!
If you have questions or would like to join us on Monday, please contact me at my email: [email protected].