Class members showing their quilled paper creations: Diana Posada, Lori Eby, Joanne Oliver, Nancy Felber, Erin Newman (instructor), Sandi Rizk, Dianne Bradley, Liz Watson, and Ingrid Andrews. Not pictured: Penny Oster.
Erin Newman
On April 27, SaddleBrooke Ranch Art Club members and paper quillers took on a challenging creative arts project. Students were given a 4×4” panel, then created and constructed a paper-quilled flower. Following, they were then given the task of filling in the rest of the panel with rolled paper strips, molded into different shapes and placing them on the panels. The end result was a completely filled-in art piece. Many of the students did most of the work at home after they learned the process. They also came up with creative ways to frame their final pieces. It was a fun class, a learning process, and a great way to paper quill with fellow residents and friends. Paper quilling is a popular class for the SBR Art Club and instructor Erin Newman is always challenged to find fun, different creative projects for students to learn. A future class in paper quilling will be how to make a paper-quilled bowl. Join the SBR Art Club and learn how to quill paper yourself!