SBRTA Marketing and Publicity Committee: Starting at the front left and going around are Steve Ordahl, Chairperson, Sandy Schlager, Bo Jessop, Wes Hurst and Arlene Wong
Sandy Schlager
Did you know that SBR has a strong base of players in the tennis association (SBRTA)?
We are an active and fun group who play at all levels from beginners to more advanced players.
SBRTA is proud to announce the formation of the Marketing and Publicity Committee. Committee members have met to form a plan to promote and grow the membership and association activities. Volunteers for this committee include Steve Ordahl, Chairperson, Wes Hurst, Bo Jessop, Sandy Schlager, and Arlene Wong. Several areas and ideas are being explored. We are sure to come up with some really fun activities. Keep a lookout for what’s happening in future articles in the SBR Ranch Round Up and in the SBR HOA Ranch Reminder emails. Also look for our flyer in the wall pockets at the La Hacienda Club located across from the meeting and yoga rooms.
Please make note that currently the SBRTA has organized play scheduled for men’s, women’s and mixed doubles every day. Mondays feature a development day clinic where you can come to learn how to play and/or enhance and improve your tennis game. All levels are welcome.
SBRTA has something for everyone. For further information please check our SBRTA website. Go to saddlebrookeranch.org/tennis or contact Ted Wierman, membership chairperson, at 503-858-7120. We hope to see y’all soon!
Tennis: it’s not just another racquet!