Waiting for the call to putt, left to right: Ardie Rossi, Mary Hoover, Mary Schlachter and Karen McIver; photo by Jean Morgan

Social time; photo by Jean Morgan

Putters in action; photo by Jean Morgan

Priscilla Wolf celebrating her hole in one; photo by Jean Morgan
Lorretta Johnson
If it is Wednesday morning you will see The Ranchette Putters out on the putting green. May 25, however, was an exception. It was decided to “Mix It Up” and add a couple twists to our usual putting and social time.
Putting was held late afternoon on Wednesday, and afterwards everyone headed to the Hacienda’s La Mesa Room. We were joined there by spouses/partners to socialize and enjoy food and drinks from the Bistro’s Happy Hour menu. Vice President Deb Lawson welcomed everyone and led the applause for all who had holes-in-one. The social side of “Mix It Up” was a definite success judging by the number in attendance and the conversation noise level.
On the putting side, Cherry Leger and Sandy Seay set up a nice course for us to play. However, the wind was not so nice! Challenges abounded whether you were hitting with or against the wind. We had 42 members and three guests take on the challenge. Out of the group there was a total of 41 holes-in-one! Noreen Prindiville had the most holes-in-one, sinking it three times. Congratulations to Noreen and to all the putters who participated!
As of mid-May The Ranchette Putters are 101 members strong. We enjoy improving our putting skills, but our other goals are to meet new friends, socialize and have fun. Come join us!
For membership information contact Karen McIver at [email protected].