The cast of Eat, Drink, and Be Deadly!
Andrea Molberg
Gather with friends at SaddleBrooke’s dinner theatre and solve the delightfully funny mystery. Was there a suicide, accident or murder?
SaddleBrooke’s new acting group, Community Circle Players (CCP), is presenting the dinner theatre “whodunit” Eat, Drink, and Be Deadly! on February 19 and 20 in MountainView Ballroom and on February 26 and 27 in the Vistas Dining Room. The actors perform among the diners, so everyone has a good seat. Ticket sales began January 4.
For the first time CCP will have performances at two different SaddleBrooke venues, thereby providing proceeds to both HOAs. The $49 tickets include both a full dinner plus the exciting and amusing play. Doors will open at 5:00 p.m. for the cash bar with dinner and the show starting at 6:00 p.m.
Tickets for the February 19 and 20 performances in the MountainView Ballroom will be sold at the HOA2 administrative office beginning at 9:00 a.m. Wednesday, January 4. Cash, credit cards, HOA2 charge cards and checks are accepted. Tables accommodate groups of 10.
Tickets for the February 26 and 27 performances in the Vistas Dining Room will be sold in the HOA One clubhouse foyer for the first hour, 9:00-10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, January 4, and then sales transfer to the administrative office. HOA One accepts cash, checks or house account for payment. Tables hold four, six, eight and 10.
Before the final scene of Eat, Drink, and Be Deadly! reveals all, those attending will have a chance to see and hear the clues, then decide what happened. There will even be prizes for audience members who correctly guess (1) who “dun it” and (2) why. Accusation slips will be gathered during dessert, prior to the final scene; then votes will be tallied and prizes awarded. Come join the fun!
Cast: Ron Kari as Pierre Pinot Noir; Fran Berman as Charlotte Chardonnay; Ron Andrea as Sawyer Sauvignon; David Fuller as Zeb Zinfandel; Connie Ward as Pinky Zinfandel; Tim Morsani as Curt Cabernet; Karen Moore as Sarah Syrah; Judi Brauns as Marla Merlot; Casey Domalewski as Felicity Fruitfellow; Don Guillette as Granville Grapevine; Fred Lowy as Rutger Reisling; Patty Gregory-Burke as Priscilla Port; Ed Drager as both Mayor Magnum and Nathan Nosefull; John Wright as both Dr. Chris Cocktail and Ken Chianti; and Susan Sterling as the MC.
Production Crew: Shawne Cryderman, director and co-producer; Susan Sterling, co-producer; Skip Brauns, sound; Arlene Guillette, costumes; Marjorie Herrmann, props; Alex Infald, lighting/sound; Andrea Molberg, publicity; Karen Schickedanz, publicity; Cash Striplin, sets; and Steve Weiss, photographer.