Enjoying a fine spring day are, right to left: Tom Ridolfo, Janelle Authur, Bob Authur, Peg Ridolfo, Rebecca Williams, Don Williams

Cindy Heck waits for her horse while John Calhoun mounts up in the background.

New resident Jennifer Betts got back on a horse after 47 years and loved the ride.
Rebecca Williams
Eighteen riders from the SaddleBrooke Ranch Riding Group headed up the trail for a great spring ride at Donnelly’s D-Spur Ranch in Gold Canyon. The one-hour trail winds through the foothills of the Superstition Mountains, which were especially colorful in the warm morning sun. It was easy to tell that spring was already making its presence known in the warmer climate at the eastern edge of Phoenix. Many ocotillos were already leafing out, green grass was evident everywhere and there were great views of Phoenix to the west.
This time the group included three riders that were new to the Horseback Riding Group. Two of the new riders, Peg Tomaso and Jennifer Betts, learned they were both from the same suburban area of Seattle, WA. Jennifer owned a horse as a teenager and didn’t realize how much she missed being around horses. Another new horseback rider, Cindy Heck, also had fun on the ride.
On March 4 the group will head back to a definite favorite, Colossal Cave Mountain Park near Vail. This venue was briefly closed but has re-opened again for horseback riding. The trail is through the Rincon Mountains and has typically been a favorite with riders. This ride will be at 10:00 a.m. in Vail.
The group will head to the Triangle T Ranch in Dragoon, AZ on Saturday, April 1. This location is a two-hour drive by car to the venue but allows riders an “up close and personal” ride through areas of the Texas Canyon that is a favorite tourist rest stop on 1-10. The unusual rock formations make it an interesting trip, and for those interested the Triangle T has an “Old West” themed saloon, which is open for lunch before we head back home. This one-hour horseback ride will be at 10:30 a.m. due to the distance.
The final ride of the season will be Saturday, April 22, at Pusch Ridge Stables in Catalina. At this venue the ride times often need to be staggered as only six riders plus a guide are allowed into the Catalina State Park at one time; however, it is close and always provides very pretty views of our own Catalina Mountains.
There is no obligation to attend all the rides offered. Riders simply let the secretary know if they want to attend a particular ride. Car pools are generally arranged for those interested.
If you are interested in receiving more information on the SaddleBrooke Ranch Riding Group, please contact the group secretary, residents Don and Rebecca Williams, at [email protected].