Dr. Joseph Christiano, Neurosurgeon
Phyllis Ketring
Health Night Out will be August 28, 2017, 7:00 p.m. The topic is Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s
Presented by Dr. Joseph Christiano, Neurosurgeon.
A high percentage of patients with Parkinson’s and other tremors can experience significant improvement to motor function with a procedure called Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery. The Movement Disorder Surgery program offered at Western Neuro was one of the first of its kind in the U.S. and coupled with Dr. Christiano’s expertise in Functional Neurosurgery optimizes patient outcomes. Western Neuro is an affiliated partner of Carondelet Neurological Institute.
As the director of the Surgical Pain Management Program at Western Neuro, Dr. Christiano also treats a variety of conditions including Trigeminal Neuralgia, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and Failed Back Surgery Syndrome.
His work in Deep Brain and Spinal Cord Stimulation has helped thousands of people suffering from painful, chronic disorders. Dr. Christiano believes that proper evaluation and accurate diagnosis are the key components in developing a personalized treatment plan. He often takes on challenging cases that have failed to respond to past treatments.
Dr. Christiano is certified by the American Board of Neurological Surgery and completed his residency training at the University of Louisville Hospital in Kentucky. He graduated from Amherst College in Mathematics, Magna Cum Laude. Combining his passion for mathematics and neuroscience, Dr. Christiano completed his fellowship in pain and functional neurosurgery at Oregon Health & Science University’s nationally renowned program, treating Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy and chronic pain.
Health and Wellness is pleased to host this highly credentialed physician on Monday, August 28, at 7:00 p.m. in the MountainView Ballroom.
Health Night Out is a free educational presentation for residents of SaddleBrooke One and Two, The Preserve and SaddleBrooke Ranch and is brought to you by SaddleBrooke Health and Wellness. It offers a unique opportunity to learn from highly skilled local doctors about a wide variety of health issues.
The MountainView Bistro will offer a special healthy menu selection for Health Night Out, so enjoy dinner at The Bistro before attending the presentation. Watch your e-mail for menu details.