Helle Sparre pickleball demonstration with Bill Reynolds, Keith Sturdivant, Rudy Dominguez and Sonie Lee; Photo by Alan Ness

Priscilla Wolf, Debbie McCauley, Lupe Cook, Keith Sturdivant, Helle Sparre; Photo by Alan Ness

Helle Sparre, pickleball instructor; Photo by Alan Ness
SaddleBrooke Ranch Pickleball Association was honored to host one of the top pickleball instructors, Helle Sparre, who provided our members and residents with a pickleball demonstration, sharing her concepts and strategy for playing the game, focused on her successful technique; Dynamic Doubles Systems.
Helle began her professional career as a tennis player and by 19 was ranked number one in her country. She competed in all four major grand slams, Australian Open, French Open, Wimbledon and US Open. In 2016 she transitioned from her tennis career to pickleball and played in her first tournament winning Gold in Women’s Doubles.
Helle is an accomplished tennis instructor, certified by the US Professional Tennis Association and accomplished pickleball instructor, certified by the International Pickleball Teaching Professional Association. She authored the book Dynamite Doubles and created the Dynamite Doubles Systems which she adapted to pickleball.
Helle provided many of our member’s personal instruction, conducting eight clinics. These clinics provided our members insight, instruction and strategy, helping them implement concepts of her Dynamite Doubles Systems. These concepts are slightly different from how many of our members learned pickleball and was well accepted, as it provided new strategies for our members to incorporate into their game to win!
Ed Valdez shared, “The Helle Sparre clinic was very informative. Helle, with her background from pickleball and tennis, provided us a different approach to the game of pickleball. We were given technical and strategic instructions to add to our ‘pickleball tool box’. Great clinic!”
Toni McDole shared, “I feel like I am on a pickleball high! The Helle Sparre clinic was so inspiring and revolutionary to me. I was so intrigued and inspired by the way she demonstrated strategic playing.
I especially liked that we practiced exact plays many times, getting individual attention and help. I intend to practice and grow with this clinic experience. Thank you to all involved in putting on this great event.”
Larry Schweitzer shared, “I attended the 2.5 clinic, so glad I did. Some of Helle’s methods were contrary to what I learned when I started pickleball, but it all made more sense as we performed the drills. It has already helped my game. I hope these clinics will continue!”
Thank you to our Skills and Development Committee who organized an incredible event for our members and our Facilities Committee who assisted with the courts. Special thanks to Priscilla Wolf, Lupe Cook and Deborah McCauley for their support.
Don’t miss out on being part of a great club with extraordinary members, fun and inclusive events. If you are not part of the SaddleBrooke Ranch Pickleball Association and would like more information to become a member please visit our website http://www.sbrpickleball.club.
You never know, you just might get hooked on pickleball.