Members of the SBCO Board of Directors 2019-2020 are (front row, left to right): Joan Roberts, Esther Moen, Marcia Van Ommeran, Melanie Stout, Trish Parker, Sandy Miller and Nancy McCluskey-Moore (second row, left to right) Vivian Errico, Karen Green and Anne Coziahr (back row, left to right) Denise Anthony, Steve Groth, Jim Weeks, Jan Olsson, Camille Esterman and Beth Fedor. Member not in photo: Cheryl Smith.
SBCO elects new Board of Directors
Nancy McCluskey-Moore
On April 8th, SaddleBrooke Community Outreach elected its Board of Directors for 2019-2020:
President – Steve Groth
Executive Vice President – Denise Anthony
Recording Secretaries – Cheryl Smith and Marcia Van Ommeran
Corresponding Secretary – Karen Green
Treasurer – Camille Esterman
Assistant Treasurer – Esther Moen
Vice Presidents Kids’ Closet – Jan Olsson and Melanie Stout
Vice Presidents Education – Denise Anthony and Jim Weeks
Directors of Special Events – Beth Fedor and Patricia Parker
Directors of Membership – Vivian Errico and Sandy Miller
Director of Communications – Nancy McCluskey-Moore
Golden Goose Representative – Ann Coziahr
Past President – Joan Roberts
SaddleBrooke Community Outreach is committed to providing local children with food, clothing and educational opportunities. We always are looking for volunteers for both long- and short-term commitments. You can help with a wide range of tasks – from staffing the office to helping with fundraising events, helping children choose new clothing, or serving on our Board of Directors. The opportunities are endless. To become involved, visit https://community-outreach.org/volunteers/ to see a list of volunteer opportunities and to complete an interest form.

SaddleBrooke resident Jim Thompson meets with the U of A Pharmacy Department’s free screening services.
Health Fair volunteers needed
Phyllis Ketring, Publicity Coordinator
SaddleBrooke volunteers and residents have supported the annual Health Fair for 21 years and 2019 will mark the 22nd anniversary of this popular event.
Health Fair 2019 will be Saturday morning, October 12. Volunteers work in 90-minute shifts so they can attend the fair exhibits themselves. There are many assignments. The set-up team is physically active and helps transport exhibits to their proper location. The traffic team is on their feet most of the time and hard at work managing the parking lot. If you prefer to be seated, the survey team may be for you. Greeters have the opportunity to answer questions and move about the fair. Almost everyone can play a role.
If you want to be on the list of volunteers, please email Dave Mersy, Volunteer Coordinator at [email protected]. You will be hearing from him later this year.
For the latest Health and Wellness activities, go to sbseniors.org.
Save the date!
On October 16, 2019, our local FHAN chapter, Faith Health Care Alliance Network, is sponsoring a free conference covering all issues associated with the role of the caregiver.
Caregiving can be challenging, demanding and unrelenting but for the right person, with the proper support system, it can be a rewarding experience.
Caregiving roles take on countless shapes and forms. They assist older adults, the ill and disabled friends and family members. Caregivers help every day in small and big tasks, handling daily activities such as bathing, managing medications or preparing meals.
While some people with disabilities and older adults receive care from paid professional caregivers, most count on unpaid assistance from families, friends and neighbors.
But the reality is that family caregivers frequently work alone. The majority of family caregivers who are providing intensive levels of care for a loved one do not get consistent help from family and friends.
Perhaps the best way to know what you can expect as a family caregiver is to talk to other caregivers who have been through the experience and collect their wisdom of what worked for them and what did not.
Put October 16, on your calendar and plan to attend this conference. You will listen as other caregivers share their stories, learn about community resources available to you and begin to get the support you need as a caregiver.
For information contact Wendy Guyton at 520-404-5712.