Lee Stastny
The SaddleBrooke Ranch Tennis Association held a men’s and women’s doubles tennis event from Sept. 30 to Oct. 2, with donations to the American Cancer Society in lieu of registration fees.
On Sept. 30, we kicked off the event with competitive doubles matches taking place in the morning and afternoon. Eight men’s doubles teams and seven women’s doubles teams competed in the event. Wednesday was the finals for both consolation bracket and winners’ bracket.
Madoka Knight and Carol Fielding were the winners of the women’s doubles, and Elmer Klaveter and Tom Ratterman the winners of the men’s doubles.
Everyone convened at the Ranch House to participate in both a silent and live auction for donated prizes, with all contributions going to the American Cancer society.
The next SaddleBrooke Ranch Tennis Association event will be the annual Steiness Tennis Festival, with tournament play beginning on Oct. 31 and ending on Nov. 2. Everyone is welcome to attend the matches.