Bundled up and hunkered down (photo by Jim Ward)
Jim Ward
Whew, it’s been a rough summer … blistering heat, mean monsoons, threatening thunderstorms, wicked wildfires, alarming air quality, a meandering mountain lion, and insufferable inflation. However, there is one thing that we can celebrate. Your Community Circle Players (CCP) executive committee has been meeting in a clandestine underground bunker planning another entertaining and successful show for you to enjoy in the last week of March 2024.
So … what have they been doing? They have been discussing various formats, e.g., a murder mystery, comedy, drama, courtroom drama, etc. They have also perused numerous scripts, searching for that one jewel that will once again captivate the discerning SaddleBrooke theater audiences. Additionally, they have been discussing food choices that may even rival the delectable meals at the March 2023 production of Spook Light Legacy.
We would love to see new faces fill various positions on and off the stage. Prior “technical” people have mentioned that they feel that they get a “high,” much like the actors, when participating in the performances. Additionally, we are always looking for actors. Please consider attending auditions. Auditions will be on Jan. 8 and 9 with rehearsals Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., from January through March 2024. For more information, contact Shawne Cryderman at [email protected] or Susan Sterling at [email protected].