Members and spouses of Randy Friedman’s SaddleBrooke Ranch Adopt-A-Hole volunteer program were feted with cocktails and pizza on the back patio at the Ranch House Grill on May 2. Robson’s Mark Giannonatti, the SBR Pro Shop’s Mike Jahaske and Ken Steinke, and Superintendent of Course Management Aaron Thomas showed their appreciation for the hours spent by Adopt-A-Hole volunteers. Ideally, four to six volunteers per hole spend several hours per month repairing divots in the fairways and ball marks on the greens, something all golfers appreciate.
Thanks go to Tyler Rose and team for the excellent food and beverage service they provided. The Pro Shop supplied prizes, including golf clubs, a ranch ball punch card, boxes of balls, and a golf bag, which was won by Vicki Godbey.
Adopt-A-Hole is overseen by the Grounds SubCommittee of the SBR Greens Committee. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, contact Randy at