An Exciting SBRWGA Hole-in-One!

Kathi Dyer retrieves her hole-in-one ball on hole number 5.

All the lady golfers enjoyed their free round of drinks to celebrate with Kathi!

Carol Mihal

On Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2021, Kathi Dyer had a hole-in-one on day two of the SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Assocation’s Club Championship Tournament. This hole-in-one was on hole number 5, was approximately 98 yards, and Kathi used a 5-hybrid to make the perfect shot. Kathi celebrated her excellent shot afterwards at the Ranch House Grill where she treated all the other lady golfers to a round of drinks. This shot also earned Kathi a “Closest to the Pin” prize on that hole. This was Kathi’s second hole-in-one, and she had to wait 10 years for it! Congratulations Kathi!