SBRWGA: For the Love of Golf and Sunny Days

Patti Jo Lewis The SaddleBrooke Women’s Classic was held on May 22 and had a field of 120 golfers with members from SaddleBrooke HOA One, MountainView/Preserve (MV/P), and our own SaddleBrooke Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) players. The game was two best net balls of the foursome with Stableford scoring. Three (3) flights of 10 foursome…

SBRWGA Cactus Flower Tournament Blooms!

Patti Jo Lewis The fourth annual SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) Cactus Flower Member Guest Tournament was held April 22, 23, 24: It was another great event sponsored by Robson Communities. We had 43 member-guest teams participating over three days filled with events. The teams showed off their stylish flair with colorful, flowery team…

SBRWGA—Got Our Clubs, Ready for Fun!

Patti Jo Lewis Presidents Cup Tournament Pam Horwitt, president of SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) is pleased to announce the winner of the 2024 President’s Cup: Evie Thompson. She had an impressive net score of 138 for the two-day event. Evie was in the top four at the end of Day 1 and teed…

SBRWGA Aiming Fore a Cure

Patti Jo Lewis In February, a great group of our SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) players chose to participate in the 2024 “Take a Swing at Cancer” golf tournament at the Preserve Golf Course at SaddleBrooke. Melanie Timberlake and Kay Johnson captured Closest to the Pin wins. Thanks to all the women who support…

SBRWGA 2024 Del Sud Tournament Champion Is Crowned

Patti Jo Lewis It was déjà vu with the weather in February, almost a repeat of the delays experienced in 2023. Eventually the weather cooperated and SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) congratulates Kay Johnson, our 2024 Del Sud Tournament Champion. Kay finished at 12 under net par. La Conquistadora del Sud is a tournament…

Sadie Hawkins Tournament—a Fiesta of Fun

Debbie Ferguson SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) started an event-filled fall with the Sadie Hawkins Tournament. This year’s fiesta theme provided great decorations, food, and fun. The SBRWGA members invited their best fellas to be their partners for this tournament day. The only catch, the fella could not be your spouse or partner from last year. No defending…

Hole-in-One: Marge Rodgers Celebrates an Ace

Debbie Ferguson Congratulations to Marge Rodgers on her hole-in-one! This rookie reporter is here to give you the facts. It was a SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) league day, on Aug. 15. The hole was number 14. The spectators, also known as her foursome, were Alex Anna, Terri Movius, and Charlotte Graham. The spectators had…

SBRWGA Play Continues Through a Hot August

Debbie Ferguson We are back, golf fans, to report the happenings during August for the SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA). Aug. 8 dawned hot and humid for the first event of the month, when 42 golfers participated in the Team Cha Cha Cha. There were blind draws and card offs to excite the scoring of the four-person team game.…

Mixed Stix Golf Tournament Results Are In!

Debbie Ferguson Hello, golf fans! The date was July 24, 2023. The SaddleBrooke Ranch Men’s Golf Association (SBRMGA) and SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) combined for this action-filled event. Men and women competing for, you guessed it, bragging rights. Tension was in the air early Monday morning. The questions on everyone’s minds included, Would…

Women’s Golf Association News and Notes

Debbie Ferguson Hello, golf fans! Tuesdays in July provided the usual hot and windy conditions here at the Ranch. Temps reached triple digits by mid-rounds. July 4 had no league play; we hope you enjoyed the party on the event patio. July 11 offered a fun team game, Step Aside Scramble. The SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) twist to…