Participants in the Men’s Golf Association fifth annual SaddleBrooke Ranch Fall Couples’ golf event.
The Men’s Golf Association held its fifth annual SaddleBrooke Ranch Fall Couples’ Golf Event on Sunday, November 9. Twenty-eight resident couples participated in the fun, yet competitive, event organized by Jack and Karen Gressingh. Mike Jahaske, Ken Steinke and their Pro Shop staff provided great support as usual. And the weather chairman cooperated by providing the best possible fall afternoon weather.
As in the past, the event was open to men-lady couples (“attached” or not) of residents with Arizona Golf Association handicaps. The couples competed as teams in best ball format in three different flights. There were also several special shot games. And a hole-in-one contest was held on hole 2 with Steve Ordahl and Brian Svedberg serving as monitors. A participant hitting a hole-in-one would have won a golf cart courtesy of Golf Cars of Arizona; alas, it didn’t happen although Alex Anna came really close.
The participants had a celebration awards dinner afterward at Cadillac Chaparral Restaurant. There it was announced that John and Bonnie Stark won the “C” flight over second place finishers Rob and Mary Ann Nemecek and third place finishers Bill and Sandy Seay. In the “B” flight, the first three places went to Rich and Jeanne Osterland, Frank Sciannella and Mary Stolze, and Harley and Mary Schlachter. In the “A” flight, the three winning couples were Paul Lapotosky and Colleen Carey, Rick and Mary Snowden, and Jim Dougherty and Jeanne Hardiman.
In addition to the couples’ competition, there were several other special shot prizes on selected holes. Sandy Seay made the longest putt on No. 8, Rob Nemecek was closest to the pin on No. 5, Mary Snowden was closest to the pin on No. 14 and Jack Gressingh made the longest putt on No. 17.
The event will be conducted again in November 2015. Residents wishing to participate should establish their Arizona Golf Association handicaps before that time. Men who want to join the SBR Men’s Golf Association (SBRMGA) and establish a handicap should contact Brian Svedberg at [email protected] or visit the website www.SBRMGA.org; ladies who want to join the SBR Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) should contact Sandy Seay at [email protected].
The SBRMGA would once again like to recognize our Platinum sponsors: Coyote Golf Cars, Golf Cars of Arizona and Express Employment Professionals as well as Arizona Proscapes, BRAKEmax Car Care Centers of Catalina, Mercedes-Benz of Tucson, and Outdoor Creations for their continued support of our special events throughout the year. Without their sponsorship it would be difficult to provide the quality of events that we are able to put on, so we encourage you to continue to support them with your patronage.