SBRMGA President’s Cup winner Robert Christianson being presented a trophy by defending champion and SBRMGA Secretary Bruce Deverman.
On April 21 and 28, SaddleBrooke Ranch Men’s Golf Association held its annual President’s Cup. In the Championship Flight this is a “Gross” competition, meaning there are no handicaps used. Doing it in this manner we truly crown the best player. In addition there was competition for the lower level players by flight.
Congratulations to Robert Christianson, 2016 SBRMGA Club Champion! Robert shot 151 for his two-day total and was able to hold off Bruce Deverman, 2015 President’s Cup winner who shot 153 for the two days. Third place went to Rick Snowden with 163 total.
Other Flight winners were as follows:
B Flight: Dave Hansel with a two-day total of 164
C Flight: Brian Kerley with a two-day total of 176
D Flight: Ken Hull with a two-day total of 180
All scores provided here are gross for 36 holes. The competition in all flights except the Championship Flight were based on net score (gross minus handicap). There were 35 total participants in this year’s event.
Congratulations to all winners and participants!