Debbie Witten Pickleball games can be played with the same gender or mixed gender. Several couples living in SaddleBrooke Ranch desire to play with their spouse. In the past few months several couples have tested with their spouse to improve their ratings. When requesting to be tested for the next level, SaddleBrooke Ranch Pickleball Association…
Generals, April 2021
IJSS and SaddleBrooke Ranch
Gerri Koen Mike and I would like to tell you about the Institute for Judaic Services and Studies (IJSS) in SaddleBrooke. We meet monthly from September through April, at SaddleBrooke, MountainView Clubhouse. Due to COVID restrictions, currently services are on Zoom. The IJSS hopes to resume in-person services by Rosh Hashanah. My husband and I have…
Generals, April 2021
Community Map: Let’s Hear from You!
Elizabeth Maddox, Editorial Assistant Can you believe that it’s already springtime here in Arizona? It seems as if the year just began! The end of 2020 saw a new addition to Robson Publishing: the introduction of our new community map. We were excited to introduce the community map to you with its wealth of information…
Features, April 2021
Word of the Month: Negentropy
David Zapatka While reading Starseed Transmissions by Ken Carey, I ran across the word negentropy. I’ve always been fascinated by the word entropy and its meaning so I was immediately intrigued by this related word driving me to research it for this month’s issue. Entropy: noun /ˈentrəpē/ 1. thermodynamics: a measure of the unavailable energy in a…
Generals, April 2021
Volunteers Help Fight Hunger in the Copper Corridor
Maggie de Block Help us fight hunger in Pinal County. The first step to making hunger disappear, according to the Feeding America Program, is to recognize the seriousness of the problem. Children face hunger through no fault of their own in higher numbers then the general population. One in five adults face hunger in Arizona,…
Clubs & Classes, April 2021
Ranch Roots Genealogy Club Update
Pegg Ridolfo It’s been a long year of isolating at home. Hopefully you’ve all stayed safe and sane and taken time to continue with your genealogy research. As of now we are planning a first meeting back for the club and any new residents who are interested in joining the group, on Sept. 27, from…
Sports, April 2021
U.S. Military History: Armed Forces Day
Ross Dunfee Armed Forces Day is celebrated May 15 this year but with Memorial Day also in May this Armed Forces Day article is printed in April to avoid printing two articles in May. Clip and save. Each of the Branches of Military Service (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Coast Guard) has a day…
Sports, April 2021
Top Ten Pickleball Excuses Heard on the SBR Courts
Generals, April 2021
L’hitra’ot, Rabbi Seltzer
Melani Einbund Institute of Jewish Services and Studies (IJSS) April services will be held on Friday, April 23 at 7 p.m. Rabbi Seltzer will be officiating. Services will be viewed via Zoom. IJSS members will be receiving the Zoom link prior to Friday, April 23 via email. Following is a discussion with Rabbi Seltzer as…
Generals, April 2021
Join Us May 2 for an Online Event and Auction to Benefit Sr. Jose Women’s Center
Leslie Fore Please join us on May 2, for an online event honoring mothers and women with proceeds going to assist women experiencing homelessness in Tucson. This event will include an amazing presentation about the Sister Jose Women’s Center (SWJC) at 2 p.m. What do I have to do to participate? There is a specialized link to…