Jan Martin New members are welcome in the Singles Group. The objective of the group is to foster and promote leisure, social, and cultural interests for the single residents of SBR. Right now, the group is meeting for occasional driveway happy hours. For more information, check out Group Works or send an email to [email protected].
Clubs & Classes, October 2020
Jewelry/Lapidary Club
John Backes, President New members are welcome to the Jewelry/Lapidary Club. The members meet two to three times per week, in the SBR Arts and Technology Center. Masks are required. The club provides an opportunity for creative expression in the field of art metals. Club leadership provides assistance, mentoring, and in-house guidance in jewelry techniques,…
Clubs & Classes, October 2020
Workshops and SIGS Resume
Linda Shannon-Hills Since the pandemic required changes in how we live our lives, the SBR Technology Club also knew the club needed to adapt to meet our member’s needs. The club’s volunteer monitors have stepped up to be available by appointment for members to receive help with questions on using their smartphones, tablets, and laptops.…
Clubs & Classes, October 2020
Digital Scanning and Archiving

Linda Shannon-Hills You have time on your hands, boxes of old photographs of your family to sort; you have so many slides which will be difficult to view in the future as they start to deteriorate, and documents on paper that may not last for long. By digitizing this material and photographs, you can preserve for future…
Features, October 2020
Dollars and Sense: Refinancing Your Home
If you are interested in borrowing against your home’s available equity, you have choices. One option would be to refinance and get cash out. Another option would be to take out a home equity line of credit (HELOC). Here are some of the key differences between a cash-out refinance and a home equity line of…
Features, October 2020
Whimsy for Today
Becky Kueker I had a bad fall recently—shopping at a furniture store when a young man pushed past me, and I fell backwards over a bench and went splat on the floor. Not funny of course, but the actions after the fact made me pause to think about how we have to take adversity and…
Sports, October 2020
WGA Notice
Jeanne Osterlund New members are welcome to SBR Women’s Golf Association. Members play on Tuesday morning with assigned tee times, and with taking extra precautions for COVID-19. Zoom is used for all board and other meetings. For additional information, check out the club’s website at www.sbrwga.com or contact Jeanne Osterlund.
Sports, October 2020
SBRWGA Welcomes 100th Member

Carol Mihal The SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) has experienced exponential growth in the last few years! SBRWGA began in 2011 as an informal golf league, with 11 women members. In 2012, the golf league was sanctioned by the Arizona Women’s Golf Association (AWGA) with 14 members. Now, just nine years after originally organizing…
Sports, October 2020
Pickleball Club Notice
Rick Heine Pickleball members can play seven days per week during the three 2-hour sessions of play per day. New members are welcome. There are free newbie classes twice per month, in which paddles and pickleballs are supplied. All play follows HOA required COVID-19 rules of play. SBRPA is the largest club at the Ranch,…
Generals, October 2020
Griefshare’s “Loss of a Spouse” Seminar in October
Cari Block The first session of the GriefShare program will be “Loss of a Spouse,” held on Sunday, Oct. 11 at 1:30 p.m. A social distancing, small group meeting will be held at the Community Church of SaddleBrooke Parish House, as well as by Webex online. The meeting will include a video presentation for those…