
Ranch Roots Genealogy Club Focus on Military Records at November Meeting

Karen Peltier In recognition of Veterans Day, the Ranch Roots Genealogy Club’s focus for the November meeting is researching ancestors’ military service. The meeting is to be held on Monday, Nov. 27, from 1 to 3 p.m. at the La Mesa/La Montana Rooms of La Hacienda Club. All are welcome! Military records may provide significant details into an ancestor’s life, as well as…

Donate to SBCO and Make a Difference!

  Nancy McCluskey-Moore For more than 25 years, SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) has been providing young people in local communities with opportunities to succeed through programs that provide food, clothing, enrichment grants, and scholarships. We serve youngsters living in the “Copper Corridor”—mining towns stretching more than 100 miles from Catalina to Globe. Programs implemented by…

Las Vegas Winners

Debora Witten Our very own SaddleBrooke Ranch 3.0 women’s doubles pickleball team Lynn Kehoe and Deb Wieczorek took bronze at the USAP Tournament in Las Vegas on Oct. 6. They both agree it was a really good competition and an amazing experience. They thought it was so fun to meet and play alongside the pros! They will…

Relishing Pickleball: Doubles Strategies (Continued!)

David Zapatka Continuing our study of Pickleball Fundamentals Master the basics and compete with confidence by Mary Littlewood, Ms. Littlewood offers these basic doubles strategies for players of any level. To read all her advice, buy her book. Strive for 100% accuracy on serves. The serve is the only shot in the game that is uncontested. There…

Dinking Divas At the Pool!

Debora Witten Whenever possible, the Dinking Divas of SaddleBrooke Ranch meet off the pickleball courts to eat, laugh, and spend time together. The SaddleBrooke Ranch pool is a favorite of the Divas. Divas and honorary Divas appearing in the photo are Raynelle Duhl, Karen Bellinger, Debora Witten, Gary Hayes, Tony Felling, Carl Preston, Kathy Jelleff,…

SBRWGA Sip, Swap, Shop Event

Debbie Ferguson Hello, golf fans! September provided a month of no golf due to overseeding and wet stormy weather. But the SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) ladies held their annual Sip, Swap, Shop event to kick off a busy October. Members were invited to drop off items of clothing, shoes, or bags at specified…

Thanksgiving Safety: How to Avoid Scams in November

R.O.S.E., Resources/Outreach to Safeguard the Elderly As November rolls in, families across the country prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving, a time for expressing gratitude and sharing moments of togetherness. Unfortunately, it’s also a season when scams tend to be on the rise. Scammers are skilled at exploiting the holiday spirit, preying on people’s emotions and generosity.…

6th Annual SBR Mah Jongg Cards for Charity

Bonnie Goldman Mah Jongg is a very popular game at SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR). We have many players who are new to the game and people who have played for years. Prior to COVID, there were weekly games played (and sometimes lessons given) on Thursdays in La Hacienda Club, coordinated by Gail Latimer and Bonnie Goldman. Multiple…