
National Parks Club Upcoming Events in 2023

Nancy Eisenstein Two events coming up for the National Parks Club. * Tuesday, Nov. 28: Wine and Cheese Holiday Party in the La Mesa Room at La Hacienda Club. * Saturday, Dec. 2: Day bus trip to Fiesta de Tumacacori at Tumacacori National Historic Park. Our Nov. 28 Holiday Wine and Cheese will include a speaker who…

A Recap of High Holy Day Services

Melanie Einbund High Holy Day services for Rosh Hashanah (New Year) and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) were well attended. Rabbi Sanford Seltzer, a scholar of distinction and religious observant, offered services to our congregation reflecting on tradition, history, concerns, and hopes for a New Year. Wishes of health, peace, and joy to all were…

National Parks Club Update

Linda Harvey The club was thrilled to welcome Deb Liggett, a retired National Park Service (NPS) ranger, as guest speaker for the September meeting. Ranger Deb had an informal meeting presentation in which she gave information about the Grand Canyon National Park (NP), answered questions, and provided some last-minute guidance to members who took the…

Ranchette Putters Learn  from the SBR Pros

Pam Engelhardt Twenty Ranchette Putters signed up for a free lesson from SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) Mike Jahaske and Ken Steinke. The Ranchette Putters listened to Mike give the fundamentals of the putting stroke, after which they practiced on the putting green while Mike and Ken went around to help all the members. Over an hour…

Yarn Connection’s Community Service Projects

Mary Tomasello Yarn Connection is a knitting and crocheting group that meets at SaddleBrooke Ranch in La Vista Room at La Hacienda Club. Currently, our members are focused on making knit or crochet items for donation to various service organizations. The designated groups include Project Linus: comfort blankets and shawls for children of all ages; Navajo…

The Good Ol’ Boys Bring a Barn Burner

Janelle Authur Anthony Taylor Jr. and the Good Ol’ Boys “burned the barn down” with their classic Country Western music at the Sept. 8 SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) Dance Club’s monthly Western dance. In their first appearance on the Sol Ballroom stage, the band’s steel guitar added a different dimension to the music for the more…

Join the Fun!

Debbie McGrady Check out what’s happening in Kelly Hastings’s classes: Participants are having fun and meeting new friends while improving their lives! Did you know that exercising can not only improve your overall health but can actually make you feel younger? How great does that sound? Kelly’s classes have something for everyone. Whether you want to regain muscle, increase your…

Dealing with Loneliness During the Holidays

Rev. Suzanne Marlatt Stewart The holiday season is generally thought of as a time of joy and love, but for many people, it’s a time of loneliness. Some people live far from family and miss seeing their loved ones. It’s also not unusual for people to feel emotional distance from the others they’re with, which…