
SaddleBrooke Community Outreach Happenings

The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke Awards 8 Scholarships Barbara Barr The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke awarded seven scholarships to San Manuel High School seniors at Senior Awards Night on Wednesday, May 11. Co-chairs of the Scholarship Committee, Linda and John Howard, presented the awards. An eighth scholarship will also be awarded to an Ironwood High…

Ranchette Putters April Winners

Camille Esterman Sunny skies and warm temperatures in April set the stage for the Ranchette Putters weekly rounds of putting. The club takes pride in announcing this month’s winners for the first, second, and third lowest gross average scores; for the most holes-in-one (six or more); and for the first, second, and third lowest net average scores.…

To Feed or Not to Feed, That Is the Question

Jim Hoagland Residents have asked about feeding the birds in their backyard. I would like to discuss feeding wild mammals and birds, and nature in general. Starting with the least controversial of all feedings in the wild, hummingbirds. Who does not like to watch the hummingbirds buzz around our feeders? What is important is to use…

Putters Shout Out ‘Thank You’

Camille Esterman The Ranchette Putters want to recognize and publically thank the sponsors who have supported our club during the past two years. Gold tier sponsors include: Oracle Land & Homes, Les and Leslie Brown—the Sell, Buy and Rent Team; Xpert Automotive, Joe Pate; Golf Cars of Arizona; New York Life, Dennis Eckmeyer; Chiropractic USA,…


Lt. William Myers, CEC, U.S. Navy, Former The Catalina Mountain Satellite Chapter (CMSC) of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) held its most recent meeting on Saturday, April 16, at SaddleBrooke Ranch. The meeting began with a business session presided over by Capt. Chuck Vaughan, president, during which members were updated on the chapter’s…

Adopt-A-Hole Volunteer Recognition

Members and spouses of Randy Friedman’s SaddleBrooke Ranch Adopt-A-Hole volunteer program were feted with cocktails and pizza on the back patio at the Ranch House Grill on May 2. Robson’s Mark Giannonatti, the SBR Pro Shop’s Mike Jahaske and Ken Steinke, and Superintendent of Course Management Aaron Thomas showed their appreciation for the hours spent…

Democratic Club Event Welcomes Speakers

Matt Nelson On April 17, the SaddleBrooke Ranch Democratic Club had a wonderful catered event in the Ranch House with delicious food. Close to 200 people listened to many speakers, including Pinal County Democrat chairs, local candidates running for office, and Secretary of State and Candidate for Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs. We meet on the fourth…

ROTC Scholarships Awarded by Local Military Officers Chapters

David R. Bull, LTJG, USNR, FMR, Membership Chair, CMSC The Tucson Chapter of the Military Officers of America Association (MOAA) held its April 28, 2022, monthly membership meeting at the Vivace Restaurant. Also attending were members of the SaddleBrooke-based Catalina Mountains Satellite Chapter (CMSC). LTC John A. Devine Scholarship Fund awards and student recognition certificates were…

SBCO Education Enrichment Grant Helps Ray School District Students Create Learning Garden

Nancy McCluskey-Moore SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) awarded a $5,000 grant to the Ray School District for a learning garden. The district, which serves students in Pre-K through grade 12 who live in Kearny and Winkelman, created a garden to teach sustainable living practices through hands-on learning. High school and junior high students enrolled in sustainable…