
Pets in Arizona Heat

Summertime and the living is easy—Not! People from all over the world move here and think it is like where they come from, only better—Not! We have heat that is deadly in a very short time for both human and animal life. For ourselves and our pets, we need to stay vigilant, aware of signs…

Resident Authors

SaddleBrooke Resident Stuart Watkins Has Published Oracle, Arizona and Beyond SaddleBrooke resident Stuart Watkins has published Oracle, Arizona and Beyond. This book will take the reader to Oracle, Oracle State Park, places to visit in Oracle, sites to see, where to eat, as well as things to do. Watkins also visits Florence, the Florence Museum,…

Dollars and Sense: Reverse Mortgages (Part 5)

The Paseo Financial Group Recently, the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau put together a report to examine the reverse mortgage industry. This report concluded that the following groups of seniors were most likely to benefit from obtaining a reverse mortgage: * Those looking to supplement a fixed income in retirement. * Those who need a home…

Spotlight On Advertiser: Trico Donates $250,000 to Help Those Affected by COVID-19

Vincent Nitido, CEO/General Manager Trico Electric Cooperative is committed to helping our members and the communities we serve as we face the health and economic challenges presented by the COVID-19 emergency. In partnership with the Trico Foundation and the Trico Electric Charitable Trust, Trico has adopted a COVID-19 Assistance Program that will provide bill credits…

Zoom Wine Tasting

May Zoom wine group meeting: Linda Wolowicz, Arlene Wong, Rebecca Williams, Marlene Diskin, Mary Spyros, Bev Hanson, Janice Mihara, and Susan Swanson; not pictured but part of the group: Terry Barringer, Marlene Jolly, and Linda Thompson

Arlene Wong During May, while we continued sheltering in place, the Wonderful Wandering Women’s Wine group of SaddleBrooke Ranch, which was initially started by Linda Wolowicz and Rebecca Williams, met for the first time ever via Zoom. During the summer of 2013, Linda and Rebecca talked about how great it would be to get together with…

July Calendars

Alex Baker, Administrative Assistant Due to the SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) meeting spaces being closed in response to COVID-19, there are no July calendar events scheduled at this time. For the most recent SBR COVID-19 updates, please check the SBR HOA website announcement page or keep a lookout for SBR email updates.

Welcome Newcomers to SaddleBrooke Ranch

Linda Harvey and Linda Shannon-Hills The pandemic has really created a challenge for all of us. Just think what it would be like for new residents moving to the Ranch during the quarantine. You know no one and have questions; but where do you go for answers? The Newcomers Welcome Committee can’t hold the monthly…