
Trekking Across the Country to Maine and Back

Jeanne Osterlund and Kathie Calbone practice social distancing as they walk during Unit 8A’s Get Moving and Coming Back Home journey across the country to Lubec, Maine, and back home to the Ranch.

Janelle Authur With Ranch amenities closed for the COVID-19 pause, Unit 8A-ers tested the old adage “exercise is one of the best stress relievers,” using their combined exercise miles to take a journey across the country. The final destination was an unknown, but unit residents were enticed to get moving with the promise of a…

SaddleBrooke Community Outreach Happenings

Ken DeLeo, Steve Groth, Terry Zimmerman, Gary Terrell, Barry Milner, and Bob Wample

Thank You Masked Men Linda Shannon-Hills A huge thank you goes out to the six men from SaddleBrooke Ranch that collected food items needed by the Tri-Community Food Bank. Over seven SUVs full of food were delivered on Wednesday, May 13, donated by our generous residents. The Tri-Community Food Bank in Mammoth serves 350 families…

Hobbyist During the Sequester

John V. Callahan Hello, my name is John. My wife, Judy, and I just relocated from Lodi, Calif., in November. We are renting a villa while our new home is being built here at the Ranch. I have been a bird carver since the 80s, where I began learning to carve because I couldn’t afford to…

Volunteers Mask the Community

Carol Andrews

Linda Shannon-Hills A key transmission route of COVID-19 is via droplets that fly out of our mouths—that includes when we speak, not just when we cough or sneeze. A portion of these droplets quickly evaporate, becoming tiny particles whose inhalation by those nearby is hard to prevent. Until now, most scientific research and discussion about…

Employee Assistance Fund Drive Provides Help for Our Employees

SBR Employee Assistance Fund Committee Since the pandemic shut down at the Ranch began, almost every Robson employee has seen their hours reduced. There were only a handful of employees furloughed, but many workers have seen their hours cut by 40% or more. Your generous donations made to the SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) Employee Assistance Fund, either…

SaddleBrooke Ranch Residents and Square Dancers Team Up to Make Medical Masks

Members of SaddleBrooke Squares (left to right) Rick Beeble, Donna Martin, and Elaine Beeble model masks made by club members and volunteers.

Rebecca Williams In early April at the suggestion of Rick and Elaine Beeble of the SaddleBrooke (SB) Squares, the Squares and their sister club, Rancheros Square Dance Club, undertook a formidable challenge to make 500 medical masks for visiting nurses, Senior Village volunteers, vulnerable SaddleBrooke residents, nursing homes, foster care social workers, pediatric clinics, Tucson Medical…

7,000 Pounds of Produce Gone in 29 Minutes

Liese Razzeto of SaddleBrooke Ranch and Linda Leigh of Oracle Learning Garden prepare produce for distribution.

Barbara Barr The day before Easter sunday was cold and rainy, but that didn’t keep hundreds of families away from the Oracle Community Center to pick up fresh produce for their families. The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke and Rotary District 5500 raised money to provide 7,000 pounds of produce for families in need in the…