
Horseback Riders Climb the Catalina Foothills

Rebecca Williams The horseback riding group enjoyed riding through the foothills of the Catalina mountains at their December 14 ride at Westward Look Resort. The ride took them up the gentle slopes of the foothills and through stands of cacti and brush. There were some great views of the Catalinas as well as the city…

Making A Difference is in the Bag

Barbara Barr On a regular basis, members of The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke will start their Saturday mornings at IMPACT of Southern Arizona packing meals for the Food Bank. Our club members have fun mixing fellowship and fun to make a difference in the community. We generally fill grocery bags for 150 to over 200…

SBRTA Launches First USTA Team

Donna Scott 2020 is promising to be an exciting time for SaddleBrooke Ranch Tennis Association with the formation of a USTA women’s tennis team under the leadership of Susan Pharr and Anita Zimmerman. The USTA women’s team is a 7.0, 55+ team consisting of 11 SBRTA members who will be competing against 11 other teams across the…

SaddleBrooke Community Outreach

Scholarship Endowments Offer a Win-Win Opportunity Ron Andrea Ruth and Dale Leman are one of several couples who have decided to contribute to the SBCO Scholarship Endowment Fund. According to Dale, “I hit the magic age of 70.5 and my financial institution informed me early in 2019 of the amount required for my mandated IRA…

February Gardening Lecture

Zann Wilson The Gardeners Exchange, in conjunction with the SaddleBrooke/SaddleBrooke Ranch Master Gardeners, invites you to attend “Enjoying Wildflower Hikes in the Santa Catalina Mountains,” presented by Tim Butler, SaddleBrooke Hiking Club Guide and enthusiastic photographer. The program will be held Wednesday, Feb. 19 at 1 p.m. in the new Sol Ballroom, SaddleBrooke Ranch. Tim is…

Understanding Anxiety March 8

Leslie Fore Do you know how to recognize the signs and symptoms of anxiety? Do you know how to help someone who is experiencing anxiety? Are you experiencing anxiety and need help to find resources? Come join us at Santa Catalina Catholic Church Parish Hall on March 8, 2020, from 1-3 p.m. Anthony Cicchino, an…

Choir for the Memory Impaired

Jane Stump There are 70 choirs for the memory impaired all over the world. Vista de la Montana Methodist Church, 3002 E. Miravista Lane, Tucson, near Catalina, will be number 71! Hoping to clarify misperceptions on the part of our culture regarding those whose short-term memory is compromised as well as increase the quality of life of the memory impaired and…

61st Tubac Festival of Arts planned for February 5-9

Candy Vermillion The historic Tubac Festival of Arts will be on Feb. 5-9, 2020 in the Village of Tubac, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Come and enjoy fine arts and crafts, eateries, music, and horse-drawn trolleys. Admission is free. Southern Arizona’s longest running arts festival, the Tubac Festival of the Arts, is a 61-year…