
Line Dance Lessons with Rebecca

The fun at the Hacienda continued this fall with lots of happy faces. Have a happy holiday season from the Line Dance with Rebecca dancing family.

Dr Mark Magdanz The fall dancing season was a rousing success. Level 1/beginner dancers learned and enjoyed nine new dances, while level 2/intermediates danced 13. That’s a great accomplishment, and it includes a generous helping of fun too. So, what’s up next? It’s the last minute now to get signed up for the winter season,…

Pickleball Club Players Shine at Margaritaville

Beth Chamberlin In November, more than 2,000 pickleball players travelled to Indian Wells, CA to complete in the Margaritaville USA Pickleball National Championships. This is pickleball’s premier event with more than 4,000 matches being played. Many players from the SaddleBrooke Ranch Pickleball Club competed in singles and doubles events, and three brought home medals for their efforts!…

Immigrants Forum February 23

Leslie Fore Have you ever wondered why people don’t just come to our country legally? Are you interested in knowing how it is possible to advocate for comprehensive, just legislation? The Santa Catalina Social Awareness and Justice Ministry invites you to a forum that will answer these questions and more. Rev. Sean Carroll, SJ, executive…

Driving for the Trophy

Kathy Dahlin presented the first-place men’s tournament trophy to the winning team (left to right): Ernie Nedder, Kathy Dahlin, Amanda Dahlin, Bill Oprish, Stan Doepke, and Dave Blaess.

Bob Authur The Unit 8A men held their third annual Rick Dahlin Memorial Golf Tournament on Nov. 12, at the Saddlebrooke Ranch golf course. This tournament is in memory of Rick Dahlin, a good neighbor, golfer, and friend who was instrumental in starting the first Unit 8A men’s tournament in April 2018. The tournament followed…

New Tax Laws for 2020

Barbara Barr On Thursday, Jan. 9, Mark Miller will speak on the new tax laws for 2020. Miller owns MJM Income Tax in Catalina. Founded in 1981, MJM is a family-owned business serving individuals and businesses in the Oracle, Saddlebrooke, Catalina, and Oro Valley areas. Mark avoids annoying tax professional lingo and offers just straight,…

Open House Recap

On Dec. 9, Oracle Village Outreach (OVO) hosted an informational open house at the Oracle Fire Department. There were 15 people in attendance plus representatives from Casa de La Luz and Oracle Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation. Informational folders were distributed to attendees, and Susan Ruffini discussed OVO’s needs for leaders for the various community service teams. Questions…

2019 Robson Challenge Team

Here is this year’s Robson Challenge team representing SaddleBrooke Ranch. Back row: Marlyce Mycka, Mary Anderson, Cheryl Reddy, Carole Ericksen, Trish Kelly, and Cheri Alfrey; front row: Mary Hoover, Mary Snowden, Barb Simms, Lorraine Smith, Carol Mihal, and Jeanne Osterlund.

Jeanne Osterlund The annual Robson Challenge was held on Nov. 13. Eight teams from Arizona Robson communities competed in the annual event, and Mountain View/Preserve hosted this year. The SaddleBrooke Ranch team of 12 was selected via a random pull by our head pro, Mike Jahaske. The team consisted of: Barb Simms, Mary Snowden, Carol Mihal, Trish…