
SBR residents volunteer for psych simulation at U of A College of Nursing

The entire class with SaddleBrooke Ranch volunteers: (second row) Linda Harvey, Cheryl Margolis, Lisa Brown, Beth Hinton, Susan Engebretson, Sandy Jessop, and Steve Weiss. Program leaders: (standing third row) Beth Lee, SaddleBrooke Ranch resident and course co-chair; Morgan Stock, course co-chair; Colleen Green, graduate assistant; and Susan Markovich, former course co-chair.

Steve Weiss On two days at the end of August, seven SaddleBrooke Ranch residents volunteered to help another SaddleBrooke Ranch resident to act as simulated psychology patients for the nursing program at the U of A College of Nursing. The conditions which the volunteers could choose to represent included schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression, post-traumatic…

Mary Snowden wins the Southern District Telegraph tournament

Lee Rinke, Cheri Alfrey, Marion Ewing, Sue Wells, Denise Sandoval, and Lorraine Smith enjoying ice cream.

Jeanne Osterlund SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) held its 2019 Telegraph tournament on Aug. 27. There’s an interesting background for history buffs. This tournament began years ago prior to many organized sport associations, and when most players were unable to travel to competitions. Local competitions were held, and the results were sent via telegraph to…

Help our Oracle preschoolers, and have a great time

Maria Menconi The Oracle School Foundation’s gala, Champions Helping Children, is right around the corner! The gala takes place on Sunday, Oct. 20, at 5 p.m. at the Vistas in SaddleBrooke One. It’s important to note that the deadline for purchasing tickets has been moved up to Oct. 6. And, seats are going fast. To purchase tickets, visit…

Critical thinking and other malfunctions

Nancy Ferris One way of choosing a path is through thoughtful consideration based upon the analysis of the available facts before arriving at a formidable conclusion and propelling action toward the greater good for ourselves and others. Others choose an easier path, called an impulse-driven reaction, based on self-centered needs and instant gratification. Here’s where the…

Thank you Emerson and Peggy Knowles

Emerson Knowles, sponsor and emcee for the Fore For Kids Charity Golf Tournament, with Bob Christadore, tournament director for the 2019 tournament.

Barbara Barr Members of the Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke honored Emerson and Peggy Knowles for their support and contributions to the Fore For Kids Charity Golf Fundraiser. Emerson and Peggy have been long time supporters of Fore For Kids Charity Golf Fundraiser. Emerson Knowles also served as emcee of the fundraiser. The Fore For Kids Charity…

Expanded Health Fair on October 12

Dr. Eric Cornidez will demonstrate a spinal implant at 9:15 a.m. in the Sonoran Room at MountainView.

Phyllis Ketring The 2019 SaddleBrooke Health Fair will be held on Saturday, Oct 12, from 9 a.m. to noon. The biggest change will be that the Health Fair has expanded, with activities at both the SaddleBrooke One and MountainView Clubhouses. Another change will be that the immunization and lab testing from Walgreens and HealthWaves will be located…

Showering a lovely bride-to-be

Hannah Riley, bride-to-be, holding a bouquet of bows and ribbons from the shower. Photo by Maria Astaire.

Camille Esterman The private dining room at the Ranch House provided the perfect setting to celebrate the upcoming wedding of Hannah Riley. Surrounded by navy and white balloons, Hannah was showered with gifts and best wishes from many of the ladies at SaddleBrooke Ranch. Hannah has been working at SaddleBrooke Ranch for many years—as a server…

Actors needed for March show

Tim Morsani Community Circle Players, the SaddleBrooke theater group, is preparing to present a comedy March 8 through 15, 2020. The play, well written and very funny, is a political satire—perfect for an election year. The characters, four men and three women, are both interesting and challenging. The show will be presented in a dinner-theater…

Writing Guild

Tove Pape The SaddleBrooke Ranch Writing Guild is a group dedicated to improving our writing skills. We meet on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month in the La Vista Room from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. After discussing a topic on how to improve our writing, we share excerpts from our own memoirs, essays,…