The kids need your help! Linda Thomas Community residents have recently formed a political action committee (PAC) named Support Oracle Schools. This PAC was established to advocate for passage on an override ballot measure to ensure sufficient basic funding for the Oracle School District. The PAC Chair is Jana Looby, an Oracle resident and parent…
June 2014
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences – June 2014
The Master Gardener Program is a public service program operated by the University of Arizona Pinal County Cooperative Extension. As the SaddleBrooke Master Gardeners, we are here to provide unbiased research based information to SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch residents. Check out our website [email protected] for upcoming programs and plant information. Through our program you can…
June 2014
What women need to know… just in case
Terry Barringer When faced with a dilemma Scarlett O’Hara was often heard to say “Well – I can’t think about that now – I’ll think about that tomorrow.” How many of us take that same position with regard to emergencies and unexpected life events? We look forward to planning a vacation or a reunion or…
June 2014
Check Out – Check In – June 2014
Janet Mills Jim Henson – A Biography by Brian Jay Jones. This detailed account of Jim Henson takes the reader from Jim as a child growing up in the small town of Leland, Mississippi, to New York City with his Muppet family. Along the way Jim had many projects. His first project working with puppets was…
June 2014
Old Time Radio Club to meet June 3
Norman Schickedanz OTR (old time radio) fans will meet Tuesday, June 3 at 1:30 p.m. in SaddleBrooke. They will listen to The National Barn Dance from August 22, 1942. Heard in the broadcast are Joe Kelly, Billy Murray, the Hoosier Hot Shots, Pat Buttram and Lulubelle and Scotty. The National Barn Dance had one of the longest…
June 2014
A great time for social dancing
Steve Holdener We are reaching out to our dance friends in SaddleBrooke Ranch with an invitation to join us for the many ballroom activities we offer in SaddleBrooke. When my wife Rita and I came to SaddleBrooke near our retirement, we knew we wanted to build on our dancing skills which were mostly polkas, waltzes…
June 2014
Ask An Agent – June 2014
Dear Tammy and Cheri, We rarely travel during the summer months because we heard it costs more than fall or spring. Do you have any tips on how to get the best deal for summer vacation plans? Janice and Jim, Sun Lakes, AZ Dear Janice and Jim, Typically summer months are costlier; however, here are…
June 2014
Happy Birthday to you! June 2014
Larry Clark Three hundred and fifty volunteers, spouses and guests gathered at the Golden Goose Thrift Shop on Sunday afternoon, April 13 to celebrate the Goose’s eleventh birthday. Eleven years! Who would have believed it? The believers are the hearty gaggle of volunteers and staff who have been making the Golden Goose Thrift Shop hum…
June 2014
Egret Trail progressive dinner
Ross Messer The Egretians (residents of S. Egret Trail, SaddleBrooke Ranch) held a progressive dinner on May 7. Eight couples (all of whom have lived here for less than three months) traveled among five houses. Participants prepared appetizers, salads and dessert. Wine, pop and coffee were also provided. A fun time was had by all…
June 2014
Men golfers participate in 2014 Robson Cup
Doug Streuber This year’s Robson Challenge Cup event was held at Tuscany Falls in the PebbleCreek resort community in Goodyear on May 7. The Robson Challenge Cup is an annual competition among Robson golf clubs that rotates each year to a different Robson Community. Each year the event is a good chance to have some…