
Fostering: It’s a Double Win-Win

Joy Wegner and Mera Laureys The animal shelter in our county, Pinal County Animal Care and Control (PCACC), has created a double win-win, and you could be one of the winners! PCACC, like many shelters, has been experiencing a tremendous intake of dogs and cats in the last months. To add to this stressful situation,…


Former Lt. William Myers, CEC, USN The Catalina Mountain Chapter (CMC) of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) held a luncheon meeting on Jan. 20, at SaddleBrooke Ranch. The meeting began with a business session presided over by retired Capt. Chuck Vaughan, U.S. Navy, President, during which members were updated on the chapter’s current and upcoming…

Minnesota Club Happy Hour Had a Great Turnout!

Donna Pedota The Minnesota Club had a Happy Hour on Feb. 6. We had more than 46 people attend and we were treated to live music by fellow Minnesotan Lowell Sletten, who played a variety of music from Creedence, Willie Nelson, and other contemporary favorites. We will have upcoming events in March and April; to get on our…

Art Club Classes – March 2024

Zentangle: Itty-Bitty Projects Erin Newman Join the SaddleBrooke Ranch Art Club for another adventure with Zentangle. Val Barsevich, a certified Zentangle teacher, will teach another in our series of classes this year. The Zentangle Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. It increases focus and creativity,…

Nature’s Way: State Birds of SaddleBrooke Ranch

Gerry Tietje My wife Claire and I put together five different state bird puzzles in recent years, which piqued my interest in state birds. The assigning of state birds began in the 1920s after a campaign by the General Foundation of Women’s Clubs. Kentucky was the first to name a state bird and chose the Northern…

Rotary – March 2024

SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary Supports the Golden Goose Frank Shipton Volunteer members of the SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary (SSR) Club gathered together as they prepared for the opening of “Midnight Madness” at the Golden Goose Thrift Shop in Catalina. SSR members volunteer each month in support of the Golden Goose event. Surprise! Frank Shipton Members of the…

Newcomers Welcome Gathering Is March 27

Linda Shannon-Hills You are loving our wonderful community, but do you know all that is available to you as a new resident? Don’t be overwhelmed with moving to SaddleBrooke Ranch. It’s a new community, new state, new home…“Where do I find all the information to make settling into this new community easier?” Come to the…