2023 winter league champions, Bocced Lobotomy (left to right): Kathy Jelleff, Phil Jelleff, Jim Mabbott, Ed Monohan, Michelle Kembitzky, Bernie Kembitzky (captain), Michelle Kembitzky. Not pictured: Donna Mabbott

Honor Rollers, 2nd Place Winter League (left to right): John Murphy (Captain), Diane Verkuylen-Murphy, Patty Frestedt, Dave Frestedt, David Bates. Not pictured: Steve Batten, Janette Batten, Rocky Hart
Sheila Davidson
The SBR Bocce Club Winter League concluded on Monday, March 20, with the championship game between Bocced Lobotomy and returning champs Honor Rollers. The match went three games, and the rolling was spectacular despite the very windy conditions. In the end, Bocced Lobotomy clinched the title by winning the rubber match nine to six. This is the first time Bocced Lobotomy played as a team and now they’re the winter league champs. Congratulations! A big thank you to club sponsors Jeffrey Belokin and Michael Grabill from Wealth Building Strategies who attended the match and awarded Bocced Lobotomy with engraved championship mugs! The team members also won individual gift cards to the Ranch House Grill. The winter league was comprised of 30 teams and more than 200 players rolling. Other teams reaching the semifinals included Rockin’ Rollers, Rolling Thunder, Fireballers, Sloshed ‘n Bocced, Bocce Ball Blasters, and the Big LeBocce.
The SBR Bocce Club has more than 350 members and always welcomes new members. Quarterly league play, the noncompetitive league, Bocce 101 classes, and social events are just part of the fun of joining. If you’re interested in joining the SBR Bocce Club, visit the club website at sbrbc.clubexpress.com.