Left to right: Ann Burkart, Gloria Schick, Carol Smith and Pam Wample
Many resident volunteers from SaddleBrooke Ranch mentor students at Oracle Mountain Vista Elementary School. One volunteer, Christopher Ryan, reads his own developed stories to the Kindergarteners. His observations noted the Kindergarten students didn’t have anything to take their papers or books home from school. He contacted Carol Smith to ask the women from SBR Stitch n Chat to make lightweight book bags.
A call went out for help, and over the course of the summer over 37 bags were made. Most bags have a drawstring closure and a pocket with an embroidered design. Fabric was donated by many in the community, and others signed up to sew the bags together. A couple of special sessions were scheduled to cut fabric, match up designs and put packets together to send home for sewing. Each woman did her own creative designs to provide unique book bags for the students.
An idea came to acquire small books to include in each bag. Donations quickly came in and stuffed the book bags.
A big thanks goes to Pam Wample, Ann Burkart, Cheri Utsler, Gloria Schick, Sharon Macher, Alyce Grover, Carol Smith and Linda Shannon-Hills plus many more that donated fabric and books.
School started on August 10 so Carol Smith and Linda Shannon-Hills took all the bags to the school for the Kindergarten teacher to distribute to the students on their first day.
This was a fun project for the Ranch, and we look forward to other projects in the future to give back.