On Thursday, March 17, at 4:00 p.m. in the MountainView Ballroom, the Friends of SaddleBrooke Libraries lecture will feature Erik Berg describing the important role pilot Charles Lindbergh and his wife Anne played in Southwest archaeology. Lindbergh is best known for his famous 1927 solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean, but during the summer of…
Category: March 2016
March 2016
Neighbors Helping Neighbors
Senior Village volunteers Doug and Nancy Springer explain her newly installed Lock Box to Nell Stallings. A Lock Box allows 911 emergency responders quick, secure access if you cannot come to the door. For more information call Nancy at 520-818-0754. And for more information on being a volunteer or member of the Senior Village at…
March 2016
April concerts by the Southern Arizona Symphony
Punch Howarth In thinking about writing this article describing the April concert by the Southern Arizona Symphony Orchestra, my first thought was that it will be esoteric, but no; is it too abstract? And again, no; what it is, is a surprisingly unique concert. Director Linus Lerner has selected works for strings and soloist, a…
March 2016
Master Gardener plant sale
The SaddleBrooke Master Garderners will present Dr. Steven Buchmann, Author and Entomology Professor UA at the MountainView Clubhouse Ballroom West on March 17, 2016 from 1:00-2:00 p.m. His topic is “Flowers: What They Have to Say for the Birds, Bees, and Us.” Ask Your Master Gardener will be 12:30-1:00 p.m. Dr. Stephen Buchmann is an…
March 2016
Ladies Day Out to partner with SaddleBrooke Troop Support
The HOA One Events Committee selected SaddleBrooke Troop Support (STS), a 501(c)(3) organization, to be this year’s Ladies Day Out partner charity. As partner, STS will receive all revenue from the drawings for donated items and a 50-50 cash raffle. One hundred percent of these funds will go to supporting veterans and active duty troops…
March 2016
Packed house for Freethinkers January meeting: Income Inequality – How to restore the American promise

Fran Berman Dr. John E. Schwarz spoke to a capacity crowd at the Activity Center in SaddleBrooke One on Sunday, January 24, 2016, 9:00 a.m. For more than 40 years the struggling middle class in America has experienced wages that haven’t risen much, after discounting inflation. If that continues it jeopardizes the ideas of the…
March 2016
Vista Fine Arts presents “Swing into Spring” with the Desert Tones and Vocal Seniority

Donna Langwig Come join the good times with two of Tucson’s easy-listening musical groups on Sunday, March 13, 3:00 p.m. at Vista de la Montaña United Methodist Church, 3001 E. Miravista Lane in Catalina (on the west side of Oracle Rd., 3.7 miles north of Tangerine). Desert Tones is a 20-member women’s chorus, founded in…
March 2016
Resurrection Church a group effort

David Stanard In just 18 months Resurrection Church has become a fixture in the life of our community. The Church has developed a full-blown program of spiritual and social activities, has Sunday attendance of over 200 and has gone from one to two services. If you were to survey attendees about what they find appealing…
March 2016
Golf tournament to benefit our military, veterans and their families March 12

Diane Mazzarella Don’t miss SaddleBrooke Troop Support’s annual golf tournament on Saturday, March 12, 2016. This year’s event will take place at private SaddleBrooke HOA One SaddleBrooke and Tucson courses followed by lunch in the Vistas Restaurant. The best ball scramble format will have a shotgun start at 8:00 a.m. No handicaps are needed, and…
March 2016
SaddleBrooke Village – Friends Helping Friends

The Senior Village at SaddleBrooke provides simple, non-medical services to help residents “age in place” in their own homes as long as possible. Steve Shear and Gary Hammond meet with potential volunteers at the recent Activity Fair. For more information about providing services as a volunteer or receiving them as a member, call Gary at…