Q. – What does it mean when you say you have a genre-based HD line-up? Where do I find it? A. – Recently Orbitel arranged all of our 100 plus HD channels into groupings according to their genre. For example, all sports channels are grouped together, all kids’ channels are grouped together, all news channels…
Category: June 2016
June 2016
Arizona Pathfinders sponsors Palm Springs tour
Bob Stuart Arizona Pathfinders, a non-profit volunteer group of the Arizona Historical Society, is conducting a five-day tour on October 24-28, 2016 to Palm Springs, CA. Join us for an eventful tour to this region in southern California between the Mohave Desert and the Colorado Desert, a subdivision of the Sonora Desert. Highlights: Day one…
June 2016
SaddleBrooke Ranch Tennis Association starts league play

Mark Wong and Sandy Schlager The SBR Tennis Association sponsored members only league play for women for the month of May. The category was 5.5 teams, which meant that any woman’s team with ratings that would total 5.5 or less could play. Thus a 2.5 woman playing with a 3.0 rated woman could enter as…
June 2016
The Health Fair is looking for volunteers

Phyllis Ketring, Publicity Coordinator Planning is well underway for this year’s Health Fair. The invitation to screeners has been sent out. If you have a doctor, clinic or medical specialty that you would like to have included in the Health Fair, now is the time to recommend them. There is always a waiting list, but…
June 2016
SaddleBrooke Ranch Tennis Association hosts clinics

Sheila Bray and Sandy Schlager In April the beautiful tennis courts at SaddleBrooke Ranch were the scene of several tennis clinics coached by Jim Ward, member of the U.S. Professional Tennis Association. SBRTA Events Chairperson Sheila Bray made the arrangements for the clinics, and all members were invited to attend. During these sessions the ladies…
June 2016
Tai Chi – the perfect exercise as we age

Tai Chi, which has grown in popularity throughout the world, is typified by slow, deliberate, repetitive movements and is based on co-ordination and relaxation rather than muscular tension. It is believed that focusing the mind solely on the movements helps to bring about a state of mental calm and clarity. In recent years many studies…
June 2016
More room for more bargains at the Goose

Ron Andrea Some things just keep getting better. Permits have been issued and the Goose has hired a contractor to begin construction on a new building addition. Construction should begin shortly and be completed by the end of the year. The addition will add approximately 4,000 square feet to the north end of the building.…
June 2016
Ranch Roots Genealogy helps keep data safe
Carol Andrews Computers have become such an important part of genealogy, and it can be a real tragedy if you lose all your computer data. At our June meeting we’ll discuss various ways to back up your data. We’ll talk about “the cloud” and what that means, and we’ll discuss tools such as Dropbox, or…
June 2016
Tom and Joe simply waltz to a Scotch Doubles championship

We would like to thank our generous sponsors: La Hacienda Mexican Restaurant, Xpert Automotive in Catalina and Temperature Control Inc. On April 30, 2016 Pool Players of the Brooke hosted a Scotch Doubles 8-Ball Tournament. The tournament directors were Dominic Borland and Joe Giammarino. The following field of 14 players gathered to play competitive 8-Ball,…
June 2016
5th annual SBRWGA Club Championship results

Janice Mihora The fifth SBRWGA Club Championship was a two-day event with great weather. Thanks to all the women who participated. Mary Snowden repeated as Club Champion for 2016. Congratulations, Mary! Mary had a total gross score of 170. Second runner-up, Brenda Armenia, had a total gross score for both days of 174 with Marlyce…