Ed Davis The award winning American Legion Oro Valley Post 132 is sponsoring its annual charity golf tournament August 25 at The Views in Sun City. One hundred percent of the proceeds are to provide care and assistance to local homeless and “at risk” veterans and to the families of deployed Arizona National Guard…
Category: August 2018
August 2018
Local candidate to address Democratic Club members

Kim Schweitzer At a recent meeting of the SaddleBrooke Ranch Democratic Club, State Senate candidate Linda Gross addressed the group. Linda recently announced her intention to run as a first-time candidate. She is a community journalist and publisher of the Globe Miami Times and has been actively involved in community issues and economic development for many…
August 2018
Canada Day celebration

Janice Neal The SaddleBrooke Ranch Canada Club celebrated their second annual Canada Day Party on July 1 at the home of Mike and Janice Neal. Everyone wore red and white to honor the Canadian Flag. The guests included all Canadians, who live at the Ranch during the summer, and friends. It was a potluck dinner…
August 2018
Christmas Cantata at CCSB
Carol Thompson The Community Church at SaddleBrooke (CCSB) choir will be preforming a first time ever Christmas Cantata at the December 9 Christmas service. We invite everyone to come and join this special service of the Oh Holy Night music. The choir has started practice on August 1 for this special event. CCSB is a…
August 2018
Rotary gets the inside scoop on Oro Valley

Barbara Barr The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke got the inside scoop on Oro Valley. Dave Perry, President and CEO of the Greater Oro Valley Chamber of Commerce, spoke to the club about the latest Oro Valley area updates. Our Rotary members got the up-to-the-minute details about Nakoma Sky, the Oro Valley Marketplace and fascinating information…
August 2018
The Ranch players
Josephine Zara Join the fun at the initial meeting of the Ranch Players at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 12, 2018 in the Hacienda Club, La Vista Room. Agenda: 1. Who are the people organizing The Ranch Players and what is their experience? 2. What is Chamber Theater? 3. A demonstration by two Ranch…
August 2018
SaddleBrooke Ranch Golf Club to host inaugural Pick Your Partner Open – August 15
Tom Graham The Men’s and Women’s Golf Associations in conjunction with the SaddleBrooke Ranch Golf Club are presenting a community wide golf event, the Pick Your Partner Open. The two-day team event is scheduled for August 15 and 16. Eligible golfers include SBR residents or SBR homeowners; and having an established USGA handicap by…
August 2018
Master Gardener Program
Presentation scheduled for August 22 Margaret Larmour The Gardeners Exchange of SaddleBrooke Ranch in conjunction with the SaddleBrooke/SaddleBrooke Ranch Master Gardeners welcomes you to attend “Using Salvaged Plants to Create Meaningful Landscapes,” presented by Jessie Byrd, Native Plant Nursery Manager for Pima County Natural Resources, Parks and Recreation. Program begins at 1:00 p.m. on…
August 2018
Mark your calendars for upcoming events at SaddleBrooke Ranch
Kim Schweitzer Mark your calendars for these upcoming events from the Social Committee. Yard Sale: Saturday, October 20 Art walk: Saturday, October 27 Menorah Lighting: Sunday, December 2 Golf Cart Holiday Parade: Friday, December 14 Carol Singing: Friday, December 14 Carol Singing in the Community: Saturday, December 15 New Year’s Eve Party: Monday, December…