Save the date for SBCO’s 23rd annual walkathon Nancy McCluskey-Moore The 23rd annual SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) walkathon will be held at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 26. This is SBCO’s signature fundraising event of the year and helps support our food, clothing and education programs benefiting youngsters along a 100-mile corridor from Catalina to…
Category: August 2019
Features, August 2019
8 tips for better digestion
Nancy Teeter, registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) When you adopt the eight habits listed below, your bowels will thank you by moving regularly. In addition, you will enjoy better health because 80 percent of your immune system is in your gut. Begin your day with a fiber-rich meal. Either one cup of cooked old-fashioned, rolled oats or…
Features, August 2019
The passing of the gavel

Stephen Argentati The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke recently celebrated its annual “Passing of the Gavel” ceremony, where the past president, Doug May, “passed the gavel” to the incoming president, Barbara Barr. Barbara has been a powerhouse Rotarian for many years, and we are excited to begin the new year with her at the helm! The…
Generals, August 2019
Presentation on border and immigration on August 15

Linda Shannon-Hills Don’t miss out on a great presentation by Paul Ingram, an award-winning journalist and photographer for the Tucson Sentinel on Thursday, Aug. 15 from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. in the Ranch House Sol Ballroom. There will be time after his presentation for questions. Paul focuses his articles on border and immigration situations. Most recently,…
Features, August 2019
How does Your Garden Grow?

Louise Grabell I’ve had some past “mysteries” occur in my garden that I’ve shared with you. Like, where did the spider lily bulbs come from, or how did snails get into my garden? Well, I have another mystery for you – something totally unexplainable, yet wondrous in its own way. It’s all about my purple…
Generals, August 2019
Community Church at SaddleBrooke

Blue bag Sunday at CCSB Carol Thompson Every month, the Community Church at SaddleBrooke (CCSB) provides blue bags to encourage food donations for the Tri-Community Food Banks in the surrounding areas of SaddleBrooke. July was the month to donate cold cereal, and the church participants came through once again! We wish to thank Kathy and…
Generals, August 2019
Free conference on caregiving on October 16
The Faith Health Alliance North (FHAN) sponsors a free annual conference addressing issues of health and aging. This year’s conference will focus on the caregiver and be held on Oct. 16, from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. at Mountain Vista United Methodist Church, 3001 E. Miravista Ln, Tucson, AZ 85739. Caregiving can be challenging, demanding and…
Clubs & Classes, August 2019
Texas Club shares bluebonnets, Blue Bell and hospitality

Janelle Authur Ranchers who lived in Texas agree that two of the things they miss most about Texas are the fields of bluebonnets and that Texas favorite, Blue Bell ice cream. While members of the Ranch’s Texas Club couldn’t figure out how to reproduce the fields of bluebonnets at the Ranch, they could share a…
Generals, August 2019
Wellness Roundup

Comprehensive help for emotional, behavioral and addiction issues Linda Shannon-Hills Oro Valley Hospital has expanded their services with a new program to help those suffering from mental health or substance abuse conditions called the Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) in Behavioral Health Services. Dr. Matthew Malone, psychiatrist and medical director of Oro Valley Hospital’s Behavioral Health…
Features, August 2019
The Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke honors Oracle Ford

Barbara Barr Members of the Rotary Club of SaddleBrooke honored Mark Phelps and Oracle Ford for their support and contributions to the Fore For Kids charity golf fundraiser. Oracle Ford has been such a long-time supporter of Fore For Kids, that no one can ever remember when they weren’t a sponsor of the event. Oracle…