Janet Frost SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild hosted a great evening of socializing, creating, and imbibing at the June 29 Art and Wine Event. These fun evenings are open to the public—you do not have to be a SaddleBrooke resident or even a member of the guild. Guild members serve wine and a box supper and…
Category: August 2022
Clubs & Classes, August 2022
Fellowship for Social Justice Forum: ‘I’m Not Biased, You Are’
A two-part forum brought to you by the Fellowship for Social Justice, a local community organization, will take place this fall. The topic is understanding bias. Forum dates are: * Oct. 26: “Consciously Addressing Unconscious Bias” * Nov. 9: “Moving Forward Together” Both sessions will be from 6 to 8 p.m. in the MountainView Ballroom,…
Clubs & Classes, August 2022
You’re Invited! Women Of Wine August Gathering
Deb McGiboney and Susie Morrill SaddleBrooke Ranch Women Of Wine (SBRWOW) meet the third Wednesday of each month at the Ranch House Grill Event Patio. The next gathering is Wednesday, Aug. 17, from 3 to 5 p.m. There will be a portable bar set up to order wines and appetizers. The purpose is to share…
Generals, August 2022
Deadline Reminder and How to Submit an Article
The deadline for the September edition is Friday, Aug. 12, by noon. Please send your submission early, if possible! You can email your submissions to [email protected] or use our website: robsonpublishing.com/editorial. For article and photo guidelines, or if you have questions, please call 480-895-4216.
Clubs & Classes, August 2022
Additional Beginner Drawing Classes Scheduled Due to Strong Resident Interest

Dale Farland Due to the overwhelming positive reception to the Beginner Drawing I and II classes, the SBR Art Club is excited to offer an additional Beginner Drawing II class to our community. With so many interested residents wanting to take their drawing skills to an higher level, Lisa Friedman, SBR resident and artist, is offering…