Today we will explore the ever present, ever elusive, Developmental Loss. Why does it even need to be recognized? It is everywhere. It is always happening. And like most losses, we have no power to stop it. Now that sounds like you should stop reading, but don’t. Remember that understanding loss is the key to…
Category: October 2014
October 2014
Health Night Out presents What should I know about Alzheimer’s?

Dolores Robu Health Night Out presents What Should I know about Alzheimer’s on Monday, October 27, at 7:00 p.m. in the MountainView Ballroom. SaddleBrooke Health and Wellness will host speaker Kelly A. Raach. Are you or anyone you know planning to live for another 10 years or so? Well, here is a topic you will…
October 2014
T-Shirt workshops

Nan Nasser SaddleBrooke Community Outreach member Judi Brauns has offered to run a workshop on decorating your Walkathon T-shirt. Don’t think the T-shirt has enough pizzazz? Try Judi’s touch on adding a bit of beads that will get people to ask even more questions about the event. Judi plans to offer this workshop on Tuesday,…
October 2014
Medicare seminar October 21

Don Jensen Medicare Open Enrollment is October 15 to December 7. With 40 Medicare Advantage plans, 11 Medicare Supplement plans (also known as Medigap plans), and 50 prescription drug plans to choose from, how can you know the best one for you? The objective of this seminar is to make Medicare options crystal clear so…
October 2014
Tai Chi “Back to School” special
Carol Emerson Growing up, Ken and I always looked forward to getting back to school each year. It was exciting to get back with our friends and to begin our new classes. So it is here in SaddleBrooke; we look forward to the return of our snowbird students and to the new students that will…
October 2014
The Neil Sedaka Legacy

“The Neil Sedaka Legacy” was performed Saturday, August 23, at the DesertView Performing Arts Center by TAD Management, starring Terry Davies. Over 25 Sedaka classics were sung with an eight-piece band and three background singers. As a special surprise, a speed artist painted’ as a tribute, a picture of recently deceased Robin Williams, while Mr.…
October 2014
SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network – October 2014

These pups need a family Bibbi’s family is moving to assisted living, and she needs a new home. There is no adoption cost. She’s a six-year old boxer and healthy except she’s overweight because her mom loves to feed her. Bibbi weighs approximately 85 pounds but should be closer to 50 pounds. With a little…
October 2014
It’s not too late!
Bev Kloehn and Laura Benson Members of the League of Women Voters – SaddleBrooke Unit are teaming up with the administration of San Manuel High School to hold a Career Day for their students in Spring 2015 and we need you to share your career insights. It’s not too late to become involved. Please join…
October 2014
Thank You, Friends – October 2014

Dear Readers: The students at Mt. Vista Elementary School in Oracle, AZ wish to thank all of the generous and kind residents who donated cash, checks, school supplies and food products to our recent “Stuff The Bus” campaign in Eagle Crest, Oracle, SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch on Saturday, August 16, 2014. The National Junior Honor…
October 2014
Colorado Club hikes Egret Trail

Linda Shannon-Hills Our hiking boots were left at home this time as 45 Colorado Club members’ hike on Egret Trail was between two homes to socialize with our Ranch neighbors from Colorado. Our host families were Barb and Bob Drury and Al and Nancy Swenson, next door neighbors on Egret Trail. On Monday, August 25,…