Linda Shannon-Hills Please, we need your help. The Red Cross is experiencing the worst blood shortage in over a decade. The SBR Red Cross Blood Drive is on Saturday, Feb. 19, starting at 7 a.m. until 1 p.m. The American Red Cross continues to be short on needed blood. If you can donate, we encourage you…
Category: Generals
Generals, February 2022
February at the Golden Goose Thrift Shop
Valentine’s month is the perfect month to visit the Golden Goose because there is so much here to love! We love being able to offer our customers high quality merchandise for a fraction of retail. We love the fact that we are a “green” business helping our environment. We love our amazing volunteers and staff…
Generals, February 2022
Golden Goose Cancels Spring Awakening
The Golden Goose Thrift Shop regrets to inform everyone that the Spring Awakening event planned for Monday, April 4, has been postponed indefinitely due to COVID-related issues. We look forward to rescheduling this event as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding!
Generals, February 2022
Editorial Reminder
Hello SaddleBrooke Ranch submitters! Remember—when the 13th falls on a weekend, the editorial deadline is the Friday before. This is a friendly reminder that the deadline for the March edition is February 11. Please send your submissions on time and early if possible!
Generals, February 2022
Carol Singers Sing All Around the Ranch—Twice!
Generals, February 2022
SBR Mending Souls—Make a Difference

Linda Shannon-Hills Would you like to become a volunteer angel, making a difference for someone in need? Volunteering brings joy to our hearts. If you sew, knit, crochet, papercraft, or embroider, you can make a difference. We also need other volunteers to cut out and assemble kits for others to make. Do you love to…
Generals, February 2022
Join Us for the SBR Newcomers Welcome In-Person Gathering On March 2

Linda Shannon-Hills Overwhelmed with moving to SaddleBrooke Ranch? New community, new state, new home … where can you find all the information to make settling into this new community easier? Join the Newcomers Welcome Program for the next in-person gathering on Wednesday, March 2, from 3:30 to 5 p.m. We are meeting in the Sol I Ballroom…
Generals, February 2022
Donations of Hygiene Products Are Needed
Linda Shannon-Hills The SBR Mending Souls group is collecting donations of various hygiene items for the Salvation Army Hospitality House, Emerge, and the various homeless shelters in the Tucson area as well as other local areas. Vulnerable people need items to help them feel clean and fresh. A list of items needed are: .5 oz.…
Generals, February 2022
Unit Happenings

Unit 16B Lights Up the Holidays Joy Hellard Whether the 16B residents chose the sophisticated lighting of gold and silver, or an inflatable surfing Santa in a Hawaiian shirt, the unit was a sea of shimmering splendor throughout the 2021 holiday season. Creating its own SaddleBrooke Ranch “Festival of Lights,” 16B residents outdid themselves this…
Generals, February 2022
Fueling the Future

Linda Lyon Just as in 2020, communities of the Oracle School District (OSD) came through recently to ensure students did not go hungry. This time though, the effort, renamed “Fueling the Future,” was even more successful. The brainchild of governing board member Edie Crall, this year’s food drive collected over 120 large bags of nonperishable…