Category: Front Page

Piecemakers Send Love and Comfort to Kentucky

Mary Shirey Living in a dry climate, it can be hard to fathom entire homes, roads, bridges, and structures being swept away by torrential floods. But in late July, that was the reality across 13 counties in eastern Kentucky. After a week of intense storms turned quiet streams into raging rivers, hundreds of families were…

An Uncommon Birthday Celebration

On Nov. 10 at 5 p.m., guests found the Sol Ballroom warmly lit, the portable bar abuzz with tuxedoed dignitaries, military uniforms and elegant people were in the crowd, and a color guard stood alert at the open door. A birthday cake bearing an eagle, globe, and anchor was readied, as was a small empty…

Putters Enjoy Second Date as Couples

Camille Esterman After an uninvited monsoon washed out a couples’ event, the Ranchette Putters re-scheduled the tournament. On a late afternoon in November, 43 club members and 42 guests assembled on the SBR green—which was filled with an array of obstacles and themed slogans/sayings. The hole decorated with an Uncle Sam’s hat and patriotic items…

SBRTA Grooves at the Annual Steiness Festival

Deb McGiboney It was a time to celebrate peace, love, and tennis! On Oct. 26, the SaddleBrooke Ranch Tennis Association (SBRTA) opened their annual Steiness Festival with an exhibition Mixed Doubles match featuring our pros, Chris Madsen and Rita Singleton. After the match, the pros got together with members for pizza at the Ranch House…

Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights

Kim Schweitzer Hanukkah, Hanuka, Chanukah, or Chanukkah—no matter how you spell it, it is a Festival of Lights. The holiday that Adam Sandler wrote a song about! This might surprise some people, but Hanukkah isn’t all that religious of a holiday, nor a gift-giving one. However, it holds important cultural significance for the Jewish people.…

SaddleBrooke Rotary’s Ride to End Polio

Barbara Barr If you see people in these bright colored Rotary shirts out riding the streets of SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch, they are Rotarians in training for the annual Ride to End Polio. This ride is held in connection with El Tour de Tucson. Each year, members of our club have so much fun with…

10th Annual Holiday Lights Tour

Leslie Brown Do you remember bundling up and riding around in the family car to view the twinkling holiday lights? Let’s cruise the streets in golf carts! Mark your calendars for the 10th Annual Holiday Lights Golf Cart Tour to see all that glitters and glows on Saturday, Dec. 17, at 6 p.m. Line up…

Rancheros Win Top Honors at Halloween Square Dance

Rebecca Williams The Rancheros Square Dance Club enjoyed a wonderful night of square dancing with their sister club, the SaddleBrooke Squares. More than 40 people attended the event, with several having fun in their favorite Halloween costumes. The Rancheros were especially pleased to have two of their attending couples take the top awards. Steve and Susan…

SaddleBrooke Ranch Volley Girls—Pickleball Extraordinaires

Jeff Smith, Chairman, SBR Pickleball Club Communications About a year ago, club member Lynne Wescott decided to organize an informal group of pickleballers—one of several here at the Ranch. They call themselves the “Volley Girls,” reflecting their passion for volleying. As Lynne puts it, “Volley Girls offer a different perspective when it comes to pickleball. There’s…

Adopt-A-Family: Our 13th Year Making Holidays Brighter

Kim Schweitzer Once again, SaddleBrooke Ranch will participate in the Adopt-a-Family program sponsored by SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO). You can help make a child’s holiday special—this program provides gifts to families whose children are enrolled in our local school in Oracle, Mountain Vista. We receive a wish list of gifts that the child would like…