Left to right: Joe Hough, Georgine Hurst, Linda Bowman, Beena Ordahl and Steve Ordahl

Tennis challenge boxes
Terry and Anita Zimmerman
The Cinco de Mayo celebration and tennis challenge was attended by over 40 members and their guests on May 5. The evening started with several members utilizing their tennis skills while trying to hit six boxes located on the opposite side of the net. Each participant had 15 tennis balls fed to them by the ball machine. Using their tennis racket they returned the balls in an attempt to hit the boxes. As everyone learned this challenge was more difficult than it looked, even for the seasoned players. Everyone enjoyed cheering on all the challengers. A strong wind came up half way through the event forcing members to hold the boxes in place giving the players guarded live targets to aim at. This seemed to improve everyone’s aim. (Not). A prize was awarded to the highest score. Congratulations to the winners, Susan Swanson, Georgine Hurst, Kevin Schick and Lutz Pape. The tennis skills challenge was followed by a taco buffet and social gathering in the La Montana and La Mesa rooms. The meal was followed by a short talk by the association president, Steve Ordahl, and the award of the tennis challenge prizes by Elmer Klavetter. A trivia game followed with questions on the history of the Cinco de Mayo celebration. One table answered 12 of the 15 questions accurately. Wow! Tickets were distributed to all attendees and items (Cinco de Mayo related) on each table were given away so that each member went home from the celebration with a gift.
A great time was had by all thanks to the social committee including Corine Sturdivant, Karen Klavetter and Madoka Knight. Also a big thank you goes to Elmer Klavetter and Sean Klavetter for coordinating the tennis challenge.